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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know if Breaking Dawn is going to be available August 2nd on Itunes?

Question: Does anyone know if Breaking Dawn is going to be available August 2nd on Itunes!?
I am kind of depending on it, but I'm not sure!. I would buy it at Midnight if i could, but i have no idea if the audiobook will be available, I am sooooo excited!. I am on stepheniemeyer!.com all of the time looking at the ticking countdown clock!.!.!.Pathetic, i know!. TEAM EDWARD WOOOOOOO! I LOVE HIM, AND BELLA!. And if you want a spoiler about the book, don't forget to go to EW!.com for the details of the spoiler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i buy most of my audiobook on itunes, and i was wondering that also, so i did a little research, most or all of itunes audio book are from audible!.com, so i went to the site, and they own all of stephenie meyer's audio book, but in the coming soon breaking dawn was not on the list, i did send an email to know if they gonna receive it, and if they contact me i'll tell you!.!.!. all of the other audiobook by stephenie meyer start by saying something like brought you by audible!.com, so if audible!.com get breaking dawn, itune will have it!.!.!. hope it help
team edward!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know! Team Jacob of course!.

But you would think it would be avaliable when the book comes out but I haven't ever bought an audio book!. Especially on itunes!. Compare the releases of the other audio books to the actual book release!. That may help,

Can't wait!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im not sure probably not but i would just get the book instead!. I love Edward too! Are you exited for the movie I am! It comes out in December sometime! I cant wait!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ooh!. interesting!.
i haven't heard anything at all about that, so i wouldn't get my hopes up!.

haha yess, team edward =D =D =D
4 days 8 hours 37 minutes :)Www@QuestionHome@Com