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Question: Two questions for all you Harry Potter Fanatics!?
1) What house WOULD you be in not which house do you WANT to be in!?

2) What shape would your patronous take!?

Okay I suppose I'll start by answering the questions myself!. 1) I would probably be in Ravenclaw because I'm pretty much book nerd, smart alec who enjoys thinking and 2) Probably a hareWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Ravenclaw also!. I'm a book nerd as well!. 4!.0 on a 4 point grading scale!. Band!. You know!. All the nerdy stuff!.
2!. A hippo!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. I would be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw!. I would do well in both of those houses!. I'm much more intelligent than your average person (I'm considered "gifted and talented" at school), and I enjoy reading deep books and thinking about deep subjects, so I'd fit in Ravenclaw!. But I do have a bad side (as do we all), and I am ambitious, and I can be cunning, so Slytherin would suit me as well!. Slytherin appeals to my darker side!. I wouldn't be in Hufflepuff, but I could end up in Gryffindor!. I'm brave enough for that!. But I'd say the most likely are Slytherin and Ravenclaw!.

2!. That's a GREAT question!. Mine would probably take the form of a wolf, a tiger, a jaguar, or a leopard!. Something strong, fast, and smart that can take you out if you provoke it!. I'm liking the thought of jaguar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay, I think I'd be in hufflepuff (i apologize its been a while since I read the books so if i chose the wrong house for the coming description please realize it is the description of the house not the name that i belong in) because I'd deserve to be at the school, but i'm not overly smart, or brave, or rude!.!.!. and my patronus would probably be a lemur!. cuz im jumpy and curiousWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) I'd probably be in either Ravenclaw, because I am also really good in school and I love books and all that jazz!.
2) Probably a cat, because I've been pretty much obsessed with cats my entire life (not as much as Harry Potter though!)!. But I would want an eagle or a dragon patronous!. Wouldn't that be awesome!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor because I am a book nerd, but I will throw things aside for my friends and family when they are in need, and I am rash about things!.

2) Probably a leopard, they like to be left alone, but if bothered they will attack, like I can be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Griffindore- why!? I'm that person who tries hard in school, but throws school aside for friends!. I'd do anything for anyone besides myself!. I enjoy a little adventure, and I take relationships seriously!.
2)I'm asking my friend- she says something mysterious, yet out-going, and shy!. I don't know what animal THAT is!.!.!. oh well!. I think a dolphin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Hmm!. Gryffindor!. I'm brave enough!. Or, if that's a miscalculation, I'd also be in Ravenclaw!.

2) Another "Hmm!." I think it would be a dog!. But I'm not so sure!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) I would be in Ravenclaw as well!. I love reading and I love thinking about odd questions that bounch around in my head!. It isn't like I love school but I'm naturally smart and a book nerd
2) An elephant!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) either Ravenclaw or Slytherin (I don't believe for one second that everyone who's ever been in Slytherin turns out evil otherwise something would've been done about it)

2) a jaguarWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. I'd definitely be in Ravenclaw!.
2!. Probably a greyhoundWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Gryffindor!

2!. A giraffe!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think i would be in slytherin because i am kind of a dark person!.

2)I think my patronous would be a dragon or a scorpionWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. I'd be in Slytherin although I have no problem with any other house!.

2!. A bat!.


1!. I would want to be in Ravenclaw, but I might've ended up in Slytherin!.

2!. My patronus is a foxWww@QuestionHome@Com

1 - gryffindor =] cause harry ron hermoine fred and george are there

2 - hmmm maybe a dog!.


1!. No idea, could be anyone of them with me

2!. A catWww@QuestionHome@Com