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Question: What are the basic questions you should ask yourself when creating a character!?
Please and thank-you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Does this look like too much reading!?
Fine, you don't have to accept my help!.
But if you do choose to read, here you go!.

A character is a very complex piece of work and requires a lot of qualities, even if they all don't appear in your story!.

your character needs to have a definite personality and a past that affects that personality!. Their actions and dialouge need to reflect that personality, and when writing, pay careful attention to everything they say and do, making sure it's something they WOULD do!.

Your character needs to be realistic!. Noone is too courageous or too bold or too talented!. Your reader needs to be able to relate to your main character and feel seperate from your villains or antagonists (in order to give them a less sympathetic standpoint)!.

Each character must be unique!. Whether they have a certain habit, or hobbie, or obsession, or speech impediment, or anything, this needs to occur frequently throughout their development!. For example, a character bites their lip when nervous or mixes up "was" and "were" in a sentence (which reflects a poor knowledge of grammar)!. Anything!. Your reader should be able to tell what character you're talking about, even if you don't mention their name!. Their dialogue and actions must define them!.

You need to consider how your character would behave around certain people or act in certain situations!. If your character does not respect someone, they will not act very respectful, or vice versa!. If your character is speaking to a younger character, they will either talk down to them or act childish depending on their personality!. All this must be taken into consideration!.

Most importantly, as people change, characters change!. Certain situations will cause characters to mature or become traumatized or fearful or become desensitized or all the wiser!. Unless your character is known for being stubborn (and you could, I have one like this) they should change a little bit depending on the severity of the situation!.

This is just me, but I consider their appearance rather unimportant unless it has some significance to the story or they have a certain physical feature that defines them!. Physical descriptions are just boring, so I would keep it to a minumum (just keep basic figure, hair color, etc) so the reader can get an idea of what they look like, but appearance needs to be left to the imagination!.

I'm sorry I'm so wordy!. I only just scratched the surface here, but I'm a firm believer in well-developed characters!.

hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Previous post: that's called dynamic and static character identification, those are creative elements that are a part of basic fiction writing, there are thousands of guides available on the internet for writing techniques!.

The first thing you should ask yourself is: Do you care about the character enough to develop them!? And if so, why!? Work from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is s/he realistic!? Is s/he likable!? Does s/he have flaws and problems, like real people!? How can I make it so s/he develops and grows throughout my story!? How can I make my readers be able to relate to him/her!?

I can go on and on!. You have to make the character as real as possible - people make mistakes, learn from their mistakes, and grow; even if you aren't writing a story based on emotional development it has to be a part, however small, of your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In no particular order!.!.!.
Favorite color!?
Middle/last name!?
Do they progress with the plot!?
What do they look for in the opposite (or same, in the case of gays) sex!?
Favorite book genre!?
Political views!?
Maturity level!?
Favorite songs!?
Favorite foods!?
Clothing style!?
Do they play any sports!?
Are they confident!?
What do they think of themselves!?

Things like that!. Most of this will never appear in your story, yes, but it's the kind of thing that if you don't know it, it WILL show through!. Make your character a real person - if it's real to you, it'll be real to everyone else, too!.
also, when you have a good cast of 3-D, realistic characters, the plot will often advance on its own!. It works a lot better when you know them inside and out and really know what's going through their head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends whether it will be the protagonist or one of the main characters in your story!. If they are you should make him/her vivid so that your reader can close their eyes and see them and hear what they are saying based on how you described them!. Example:

Physical description
Psychological profile
Likes and dislikes
Age and schooling or training

You don't have to do this all at once but you need to work them in as you are developing their role!. There is a great more information but this should get you started!. Hope it helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Appearance and personality come first and foremost!. I mean you should start with the simplistic eyes, hair, and interests/ hates!. Depending on the story you can create other things such as religion, relationships with others, history!.!.!.
But I usually start with


And go from there!

Good luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well I normally get a piece of paper and first think and write out what the person will look like, then I get there social standing,
rich,poor, popular etc!. Then I get their personality moody, depressed!. Next I label them, goth, emo, preppy!. Then I pick and relationships they will have, friends, parents, boyfriend,etc!. Then I do the opposite of that person and make two charters at once!
GOOD LUCKWww@QuestionHome@Com

is he/she changing as the story changes!? if the main character doesn't change in anyway and just stays the same what was the point of the story!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


1st is what should they look like 2nd there personality 3rd is there social status 4th no clueWww@QuestionHome@Com