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Question: Where can I upload fictional stories online!?
No not fan fics!. I don't want to write about Buffy's endeavors or how Harry Potter hooks up with Ron or some garbage!. I'm not interested in writing stories about movies, shows, people, and books that already exist!. Does anyone know a highly active site where people upload fictional amateur stories that come straight from their own minds!. Even if it's about a girl sucked into an alternate world with unicorns and dragons and she's the chosen one who has to free the people from the evil [fill in name]!. I don't care!. As long as it's fantasy fiction and the site is active!. Thank you in advance!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Judging by the first three identical answers, I'd say FictionPress seems to have a lot of fans!. Personally, I don't like the site!.!.!. too big, too ugly, too hard to find something worth reading!. Basically, it just doesn't appeal to me, so I never created an account!.

When I put my own fictional stories online, I usually upload them to Papertank!.com!. The site is only a few months old, so the community is still growing, but it is active, and there are some pretty cool features!. You'll definitely get some feedback on your writing, as long as you're patient enough to wait for people to carefully read and review it, and as long as you're smart enough to promote your own work!. also, as with any other community-based website, you'll be noticed more quickly if you're more involved!.

Papertank isn't a genre-specific site, so sci-fi and fantasy are just as welcome as anything else!. In addition to fiction, they also accept poetry, non-fiction, humor, etc!.

Occasionally, I also submit my writing to another site called FourthPerspective!.com!. The community is nice, but last time I checked, it isn't as active as Papertank!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there's fictionpress!.com

On there you have to connect to get good feedback!. They have forums that everyone is very friendly!.

Or you could you always set your story up on a blog or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's like fanfiction!.net, but for self-made stories and such!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com


sister site of fan-fic!.com but this one is really for the use you mentioned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com