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Question: Who should I go as for Breaking Dawn release party!?
Here is a picture of me:

I have no idea who to go as for the Breaking Dawn Release Party! I can't die my hair or anything either!.

also, If I go as a vampire, I was trying to think of ways to look like one, and all I could think was get a really pale foundation, slather that one, and get purplish-blue eyeshadow and put a little under my eyes!. But obviously thats not a very good idea, so does anyone else know any ideas for that too!?

Please no rude answers!
Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Gorgeous!! hehehe!.
Anyways you would make an amazing Rosalie!!!
I'm going as either Alice or Bella, can't decide yet so I'm bringing an extra outfit!.

Try sparkly powder on your skin, and sephora has this really pretty eyeshadow stuff by make up forever that you can put on your eyelids and the hollows under you eyes, here's the link:

just ask for a sample of star powder in #955
and i think stained lips would look really great too!. And maybe some sort of dark hooded cape!? And i know the Cullens don't have fangs but, it is kinda hard to dress up as them becuase they wear "human" clothes, so the voturi would be easy too!.
have fun!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not a big fan of the books, but I intend to go to the release party anyways!. An even that allows me to dress up as a vampire!? I am so down!. I will probably end up going as Lucy Westenra from Dracula!. You could possibly pull of Nikolaos from Guilty Pleasures because you have that certain innocent look that can turn evil, but I don't know if you are aiming just for the Twilight series!.

As for vampire make-up, take a look around this site: http://hubpages!.com/hub/DIY_Vampire_Make!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your gorgeous and could deff portray the most gorgeous girl in the world :D
I'm going as Bella!.
Wear a short flirt dress or
A black v neck with red showing and black jeans!.
Or a white dress
with a silver head bang pulling back your hair
with your hair curled and bangs straight :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Who do you look like the most you could go as Bella but remember you have to trip a lot or Rosalie but you have to be pigheaded or Alice you would have to be really bubbly and happy=]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go as rosaline! You look just like her! all you have to do is dress really nicely like a runway model (and be kinda snobby, esp!. towards all the Bella's haha)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have long blond hair!.
All you need to do it big long curls and a nice red dress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rosalie! =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Since ur blonde, i'd go with Rosalie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com