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Question: What should I write about!?
i like to write historical fiction (about the tudors) vampires, chiclits!. help please!?! thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Vampires!.!.!. are not considered scary nor thrilling I think writing about them is old-style but if that's what you like you could make it a today-scene where teenagers in the year 2008 become vampires although you may like it I would never go near it!.

Writing about Ancient Adventures or current adventures, involving war or just a specific yet original story to inspire the minds of young people is also great but remember to add a twist ending so they're always wanting more!

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before you start to write about vampires understand modern culture has butchered them!. I'd suggest seeing Interview with a Vampire and the Van Helsing animated series (not the ODA) to get a better understanding of the society!. That and read a little collection called Three Vampire Tales!. It has three excellent Vampire tales in it!. I hate how Vampires are portrayed as raving party animals these days instead of the dark, brooding, mysterious and romantic versions of what they used to be!. also, you could watch both Vampire Hunter D and Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (Bloodlust is especially good)!. There are also Vampire Hunter D novels, of which I can't say anything as I've yet to start them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, no one should be telling you what to write!.!.!.It will not turn out well!. You should choose a topic that really means something to you or something that you have a passion for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Historical vampire fiction! :D Where Henry VIII is a vampire or something!. It might be really tacky, but it would be fun to write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write something, (about the tudors) maybe a story about vampires and chiclits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to read about Vampires! I'm reading the Night World right now, and it's amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com