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Question: Mystery Book!?
I am looking for a book called "Unsolved Mysteries of the World" or something similar to that!. The cover had a green labyrinth thing on it, perhaps it was just a design I'm not sure!. Any information would be helpful!.!.!.author, date published, etc!. I'm trying to find this book for a friend!.

thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

1!. http://www!.amazon!.com/Encyclopedia-World!.!.!.
2!. http://www!.amazon!.com/Uncertain-Endings-!.!.!.
3!. http://www!.amazon!.com/Worlds-Greatest-Un!.!.!.

Hope one of these was it!Www@QuestionHome@Com