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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone else feel like they're going to scream if someone asks one more

Question: Does anyone else feel like they're going to scream if someone asks one more twilight question!?
Maybe it's because I'm not a teenage girl (I am a girl, just not a teenager) but just reading a summary of the plot made me want to vomit!. I see romance and vampires and it's just so tacky!. I read an extract, and the writing is pedestrian at best, torturous at worst!. I honestly couldn't make it past the first few pages!. I just don't get it!.

But you know, I can handle that, if other people want to be obsessed with it, that's okay!. I'd just rather they went and joined a twilight fan group to discuss it, rather than flooding books and authors with over excitable exclamations of 'OMG, how brilliant is Twilight!?' And asking if The Kite Runner is as good as Twilight!? Are you INSANE!?!?!? How on earth can you compare fiction of that quality, to some teenage pulp romance novel!?!?!?!?

I'm not a literary snob, honestly, I know there are some fantastic YA books that far surpass some of the adult fiction I've read, but good grief, have some perspective!!

Is is just me that feels this way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ironic, isn't it!?

I come on here to help aspiring writers and budding authors!. Instead, I have to swim through the slush that is Twilight questions in order to help those floundering people who find they can't get answers because everyone's flocked over to the Twilight questions!.

No wonder why Persi lashed out with such venom at those Twilight questions! I'd do it too, except I don't want to lose the reputation of this account and have to start all over!.

Books and Authors is NOT a Twilight forum!. It's a forum where people discuss books in an INTELLIGENT MANNER, post questions regardling publication, talk about authors in an INTELLIGENT MANNER, and post writing pieces for feedback!.

I'm not not any team!. I'm not on Team Persi or Team Twilight or Team Anti-Twilight!. I'm an island unto myself!.

I believe that Twilight questions belong in a Twilight forum!. Not on Books and Authors anymore because they have been asked too many darn times!. They're the same questions over and over and over again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I think Twilight is a good book!. I'm EXTREMELY tired of all the questions though!! I have to agree with you!! People ask the SAME EXACT QUESTIONS about Twilight! I mean, why not go to DISCOVER answers for heaven's sake!?!! I love the Twilight saga, but I'm sick of all these questions!! I agree with you on that part!!

P!.S!. what you just asked is a Twilight question!! Just joking :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This would be considered a twilight question:)

It is sort of annoying though because most of them arent even !?s they are just stuff like isnt edward awesome!?
It really bothers me too when a !? is repeated over and over agian too!. I agree with you but I still think twilight is a great book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're not alone!.!.!.I work at my college library and seeing college kids come in looking for that book make me sick!. I know it's fantasy like Harry Potter, but do these girls really need to make a gigantic deal about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

nah!. i think its funny and it shows how big the twlight fandom is and how small a group it is that bothers to bash it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, can people stop asking why twilghters/twilight haters are asking so many questions because they are adding part of the madness too, don't you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You just asked a Twilight question!. For shame!. Go wash your hands!. (Jokingg)!.

Yeah, a lot of people do!. Unfortunately, there are more twilighters on here then us, or so it seems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


UR SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I agree & I'm in love with those books!. Of course i just asked a Twilight question ( well it's kind of a twilight question lol)!.
Sorry for all the chaos :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

OH MY GOSH! YES! I feel the same way! I just asked a question like this too! lol!.




me!. i hate the movie! whats the twilight biggy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alright, yeah, It does sound cheesy, not really my type of book eaither!. But my friend forced me to read it and I was surprised that it was accutally a really good book!. Don't jugde it before you've tried it!. If anyone besides Stephanie Meyer had tried to write that book, it would have turned out like every other stupid vampire love story!. Stephanie Meyer turned things around and made you look at vampires in a complete different way!.

It's a good book, NOT the best book- there are plenty of better books- but it's good!. I think it's the phicological metphores that gets young readers hooked on it!.

Nevertheless, if they want to rave about Twilight, they can, it's the internet, people tend to be able to do whatever they want on the internet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, the epilogue is called "HAPPILY EVER AFTER" and starts on page 742

it appears that everyone is at the cullen house, with a bunch of foreign vampires like an amazonian tribe and an irish coven oh and the denalis, chattin bout how they BEAT UP THE VOLTURI! carlisle is talkin bout how he's prepared to fight them again should they ever try, bc t

they went to far and blah blah blah!.!.!. jacob is there, obviously still alive, and they talk about how the wolves were the biggest reason the volturi backed down

also, jacob brings up the fact that there are TRUE werewolves out there, with the full moon and everything, but idk wtf significance that was

in the epic battle i'm assuming was before, tanya lost a sister!.

bella has obviously become a vampire BUT NOT BEFORE SHE GAVE BIRTH TO A CHILD!.!.!. EDWARDS CHILD WHO IS HALF VAMPIRE AND NAMED NESSI AND APPARENTLY VERY CUTE!. bella's special power that really saved their asses was she has like a love shield (omg lily potter wut) and alice, jasper, esme, and carlisle and edward are all just fine!.

emmett is too but there is no mention of rosalie!.


oh, sue and charlie are now an item!. idk idk i love that

bella drones on about how she and edward will be together forever and ever and ever in their cottage somewhere in the woods around the cullens house

bella reminisces about how edward married her under a haven of flowers or something while she tries to control her shield powers

edward and bella are makin out after puttin their kid to bed!. my sister becomes srsly embarassed bc i made her read it out loud

and the last sentence is something like "and we have forever"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read the books, and I agree with what you said!. They are very tacky, but for some reason, I kept reading!. It's weird, but that Meyer is evil! I can't stop reading them!. I guess the idea in itself is not that bad!. But sometimes it can get very irritating and plain old cheesy!. I also do agree with what you said about the style!. It could have been better written!. I've just recently read the Host by the same author and realised that she really does write better than that!. Nevertheless, I just couldn't seem to stop reading them, even though they did seem like they were written BY a teenage girl rather than FOR teenage girls!.

Back to the subject at hand though, yes, the Twilight questions are getting very tiresome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. I actually like Twilight; I started reading it when it came out in 2005, but the fandom is absolutely disgusting!. I think they've totally defiled the books!. If I hadn't read it before it got popular, I would never read it now!. I hate seeing the same questions over and over!. It's crazy!.!.!.

As much as I hate the obsessive, overly-defensive fandom, I want to contradict you on it being tacky!. I too read a summary and thought the book would be awful!. I read the first couple of pages and put it down because I wasn't really into it!. I few weeks later (I think it was Christmas break, so I had time) I started reading it once again and I fell in love with it!.!.!.

But the excessiveness of it is really just stupid!. Some girls really need to get a grip!.Www@QuestionHome@Com