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Question: Why are girls obsessed with twilight books!?
why are so many people usually young teen girls obsessed with the dumb twilight books, they suck, its an unrealistic book about a stupid relationship with a vampire! dont say the writing style is good because its obviously not! they are becoming like high school musical or jonas brothers status which also suck! are girls being brainwashed or something!? im 16 and all my friends that are girls love these books, its ridiculous!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really don't know - they're poorly written, intellectually vapid, and immensely sexist!. Poor little defenseless Bella always has to be saved by big strong masculine Edward!. Disgusting, really!.

Not to mention *glittering* vampires!. Talk about shooting for the lowest common denominator: people's love of shiny things!.

EDIT - I think that so many girls' adoration of Edward as "the perfect guy" is also an alarming phenomenon - they'd prefer a guy that fawns over them like a favorite pet, rather than a guy that respects them and treats them as an equal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree although I am not a teen! I read it out of curiosity and its not the best book in the world! I have read medical text books with more umph!

I read lots of books per week as a night carer you have lots of time for this!

Mind you Ms Meyer is making a mint out of it and laughing all the way to the bank!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a teenager!. (Not a tween, like most of its fans, but you know!.)
I'm a girl!.
I'm American!.
I despise Twilight and all that it stands for - especially the message it sends out!. You know, how abusive relationships are good things, how it undermines everything women have been trying to achieve for centuries!.!.!. All that!.
I wouldn't call it 'brainwashing,' though!. If people want to fantasize about the perfect man, let them!. They'll figure out that men like Edward aren't as perfect as they appear to be in due time!. It doesn't hurt you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im a girl and ill answer u truthfully!.!.!.
We like these books because we get to fantasize about a 'gorgeous' guy and we just wish for that ourselves :) all girls do it and I too HATE THE JONAS BROTHERS Eghhh yuck (now thats brain wash) and we just kindive like romance i dono y not me but!.!.!.!. yeah that pretty much why :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's wrong with loving a book
It's a nice book about a realtionship with some issues in it!.
To each his own
I think it's ridiculous that some people think all the girls are just so dumb because they love the book!.We just love it,get over it and stop hatinWww@QuestionHome@Com

So what if they like it!? I love this series, I think it was written VERY well and has a great storyline and ideas!. Of course it's unrealistic, it's a FANTASY book!. And no kidding you'd think it sucks, it's a girl book! There is nothing wrong with kids reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, it is a horribly corny story, but at the same time it's really romantic!. My guess is all the girls love it because they would love to have a relationship as sweet and romantic as what they read in that series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a girl, and I'm not obsessed, even if some of my friends do like them!. It's just a big appeal series (like Harry Potter) and the style really appeals to teenage girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like twilight but by no means im obsessed with it like the girls on Y/A are!. Even though it is annoying, if they want their life to revolve around some fictional book then let them be!. Its certainly not my problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm 16, i'm a girl, and i didn't really like it that much!.
people have different tastes - it's not wrong to enjoy a book, i suppose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i never was when i was you're ageWww@QuestionHome@Com

You Are Right!.!.!.SOOOOOOOOO RIGHT!.!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know why they are obsessed with it, but I find it disgusting!. Stephanie Meyer's writing is not that great at all!. also the plot of the novel is sexist and sets a bad example for young girls!. Bella is not special, smart or pretty!. She is a pretty normal girl and then she falls in love with a guy who is hundred years old and stalks her!. He thinks he knows better than her and he sometimes enforces his will on her through his great strength!. He doesn't take her opinion seriously and she just runs around getting herself in trouble and waiting for her Edward to save her!. This is not a healthy idea to implant in young girls' heads!.
I'm a 16 year old girls, and all my friends are obsessed with Twilight too!.

Edit: By the way, I don't want guys to be more like Edward!. I would never want a controlling, semi-abusive, stalker, pedophile boyfriend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll try to help you understand, my point of view since I am a teenage girl who loves Twilight, but I guess that only gives you some insight, because other people may like other things about the books!.

I think most girls like the books mostly for Edward, at least me and my friends do, well, my friends that read the books!. Most of us agree, that Bella (The main girl) is indecisive and annoying (not to mention selfish) at times, but we all still love the romance between Bella and Edward!. Admittedly they're not realistic, but I don't think they're really meant to appeal to guys (though many guys do like them well enough)!. I've always loved vampire stories- Buffy, Angel, classic Dracula, Ann Rice/ Queen of the Dammed, etc!. So of course I enjoy this story too!.

And, Edward (The vampire the main girl falls in love with) is meant to be the perfect guy- rich, sports car, super smart, responsible (He sets the boundries in the relationship-- no making out, no sex), super good-looking, etc, so that's a big part of why alot of girls like it!.

And, if you let yourself get into the story (of course you have to enjoy fantasy with vampires, unrealistic situations, -- you know, suspend disbelief and all) then you can find that it really is engrossing and a good read!. It lacks the density of something like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings (Multiple storylines, new world, and all that), which guys like in nearly = numbers to girls, but still has the fantasy element, centering around a love story rather than saving the world, which makes it more appealing to girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's not the book everyone loves, it's the idea of it!. Usually, girls don't read vampire books, but this one has that special attraction: romance!. it's not as if it was such an original idea, but the writing style is simple, you don't have to think a lot to understand the book and it's about teenagers!. besides, meyer made it a mystery(though in my opinion it is predictable what will happen in the end) and when there is love and mystery and you can read the book very fast because the most difficult word in the book is "twilight" it attracts teenage girls and it is understandable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not just young teens my sister is 21 and she loves it too!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com