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Question: How long before publsihers will reply to my book!?
I am 13 years old and sent three chapters synopsis etc on a book I wrote to a publishers!. I sent it about 2 weeks ago how long does it normally take for them to reply!?-
- also if i have spelt 'worded' (if thats a word) things wrong in this question please do not say i'm a crap writer and shouldnt be publishing a book as people have in the past!
thankyou :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well i have my own personal publisherbecause i know him
but you are not the only one who they can publish so you have to wait
manyley about 4 to 6 weeks

and and also how many publishers did you send it to
i dobt if you sent it to one you will get anything back
they are harsh people

like stephenies meyer book twilight went to thrity three publishers until she finnaly found someone who liked it
*sorry if you dont like the book*
but its hard work!.!.!.!.

i hope i helped you at all =DDDDWww@QuestionHome@Com

At least 6 weeks!. At least!. However, if it goes over the six month mark, you do get to send a brief, polite "nudge!."

also, did you follow their submission guidelines!? Did they want a query first, or did they specify to send along a synopsis and partial with your query!?

And hon, I beg to disagree!. If you're not professional enough to send in work that can compete with people who DO care enough to spell-check, grammar-check, edit and polish their work until it shines, then no!. You don't get to be published just because you're young!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Six months, if ever!. It will sit in what they call a "slush pile" along with hundreds of other unsolicited manuscripts, until someone gets around to sending it back to you with a brief, yet polite, "thanks but no thanks" letter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com