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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone recognize this children's book? It is about children changed int

Question: Does anyone recognize this children's book!? It is about children changed into food!.!?
There are a lot of children - seven I think - and their mother needs to go to town or someplace, but before she leaves she gives each of the children something that I think relates to the food they're changed into when a witch lady come to their house!. They're changed into their favorite food or a food suited to their personality!. I think it's set in German cottage!. The illustrations are fantastic - sort of like Vermeer and that Baroque style of art!.

I read this book many years ago and I can't think of the title and I don't remember the story all that well!. I hope one of you recognize it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't thought about that book in such a long time until you mentioned it!. I looked up, though, and it is called Heckedy Peg and it is by Audrey Wood with Don Wood as the illustrator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com