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Position:Home>Books & Authors> To Published Writers: what efforts did you put into your accepted works that got

Question: To Published Writers: what efforts did you put into your accepted works that got you published!?
Obviously, your first work was different from your previous unpublished ones, so I was wondering how you felt when you completed your draft and what extra actions you did to make your piece of literature accpetedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Just so you know!. The above answer was not written by me!.

I don't think I put any extra work into my drafts!. I write with the same passion all the time!. As for what extra actions I took, I really have to say that despite what anyone tells you, knowing people in the business does help, and if you do know someone, take advantage of that connection!. Working for celebrities as a ghostwriter really helped me a lot personally when it comes to my own work!.

Other than knowing someone, all you can do is try and try again!. Keep sending those query letters out!. Keep working on polishing that synopsis and the manuscript itself and keep searching for agents and publishers seeking work in your genre!. also if you are near a big city like NY, LA, Chicago, they have annual "pitch conventions" where you can go and for a fee spend a weekend working with agents on a one to one basis and then go around the room talking to various agents and pitching your work!. A lot of people get connected that way!. Even if you don't hook up with an agent that way, at least you can write them a query letter later on and mention that you met them at a pitch convention!. Believe it or not, it does help!. It will just set you back a few hundred dollars!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hey Joe,
Just remember: work hard! Try Pitch Conferences, Hellecat is right on the money (the REAL hellecat! the one with the most best answers in arts and humanites! Not the phoney! I knew it immediately -- background was wrong!)! Put your 100000000000% in, and you'll be cooler than ice!

Hope this helps Joe!
PS: if anyone wants to give a starting literary agent advice: