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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Twilight:what does it mean when a werewolf imprints a girl?

Question: Twilight:what does it mean when a werewolf imprints a girl!?
well its actually in eclipse!.!. one of the werewolves im not sure who it was but it said they imprinted a 2 year old girl who was emily's neice!. what does that mean exactly!? and if hes like 16 or how ever old he is do they like not age and stay the same age until the girl they imprinted gets older and then they both age together!? that part really confused me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That means Quil (the werewolf) has a crush on Emily's 2 year old neice but it's so much stronger than that!. She will mean the world to him now!. He won't age so it's not that bad!.!.!. when she's old enough he'll be friends with her and it goes on from there - romance :)

!.!.!.so much more complicated than when Embry imprinted on a girl who was crushing on him already!Www@QuestionHome@Com

to be imprinted on something means that you think that thing gives you life and you will do anything to keep it with you!. when he imprinted on the 2 year old that doesnt mean he loves loves her right now, it means that he will love her like the best big brother ever, and as she gets older he will change the kind of love he has for her, to a really good friend than to a soul mate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in the book, jake explains that Quil may have imprinted on a 2 year old!.!. but that just means that he will be whatever that girl needs him to be throughout her life!.
for right now he will be the best BIG BROTHER any kid could have!. and when she gets older!.!. he will be the best FRIEND a girl could have!. and then!.!. when shes ready!.!. he will be the best LOVE she will have!.
and since he wont age that much!.!. they will look good together!.!.
so its not like its gonna look like a 16 year old dating a 30 year old!.
it will look normal!.

hope i helped!.
i love edward more than bells:):):)

ok, Quil imprinted on Claire, Emily's neice!. When you are a member of the pack, you dont age until you stop phasing into a werewolf for a long period of time!. This means that Quil wont get any older until Claire gets much older, and then he will stop phasing to grow old with herWww@QuestionHome@Com

That means that she was meant to be with him and he only has eyes for her and hell love her only and cant love anybody else!. it happens when at first sight, and nomatter what you cant stay away from that person youll always love them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when u imprint it's like falling in love!.!.!.in my opinion it's a bit obsessive love!.!.but whatevr
it says that quil is so in love that he'll wait till she grows up to date her!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its mena that gravity doesnt hold them here any more, she does!. and no one else matters but her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it means he loves her