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Question: Are there any sequels to Pride and Prejudice that Jane Austen wrote!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are tons and tons of sequels, not written by Jane Austin however, and I've read almost all of them!. If you're lookin for a good one, it's not technically a sequal but it's the best I've found so far!. It's a trilogy by Pamela Aiden where the whole of Pride and Prejudice is retold through the eyes of Mr!. Darcy!. It's a very interesting look on his side of the story, a peek into what he was thinking and feeling, and it's not written by Jane Austen herself but it's seems as if it could have been!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1st of all, there are lots of sequels!. some are good and some are just stupid!. i was told that one was all about Darcy and Lizzy's love life adn was more like a "trash romance novel" than a good book!.

2nd of all, NONE of them are by Jane Austen!. They are almost all bt modern writers that just used the characters!.
NONE of them were written by her!.

I have heard of some that were surprisingly good!. I know that the book stores have tons of them!. In my store they are in the section with P&P!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Austen wrote no sequels and I can’t consider anyone else worthy of writing one!. She did, however, write several other books though: Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion!.

She also wrote a few bits and pieces!. I think my favourite is her History of England which she wrote as a child!. Read it, it’s quite short and free online courtesy of the British Library:


No, Jane Austin did not write any sequels to Pride and Prejudice!. There are some written by other authors, though not as satisfying!. They are trying to re-create her writing style, but somehow it doesn't work for me!.

Have read 'Pemberley' by Emma Tennant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! There are a lot of sequel!. Some are much better than others!. Here is a link to a page with great summaries of many of them: http://www!.pemberley!.com/bin/sequels/seq!.!.!.

I particularly like the ones by Linda Berdoll!. However, they can be very graphic!. They are very different from the amazing original, but worth a read!. Enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read:

Mr!. Darcy Takes a Wife - Linda Berdoll
(I thought this book was pretty good but it was hard to read and way to cheesy)

Mr!. Darcy's Diary - Amanda Grange
(It's P&P told in Darcy's opinion!. I really liked this book)

I'm planning on reading "Letters from Pemberley soon: The first year" soon!.!. it got great reviewsWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are quite a few, but not written by Austen!. You may want to check author Elizabeth Aston's work: http://www!.fantasticfiction!.co!.uk/a/eliz!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com