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Question: Twilight question!.!.!.!.involving jacob!.!.!.!?
has anybody else discovered that they started getting really attracted to jacob after they found out about taylor lautner playing him in the movie!? its strange, but after i saw the way taylor looks now, i took all the things i liked about jacob and then i REALLY started liking him as a whole!.!.

!?!? anybody

its like knowing that made him all the more attractive!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved Jacob way before that, but I agree with you!. After seeing taylor (looking into his eyes xD) In my mind, I placed all three books into him and saw him through Bella's eyes!.

There and then, I became enthused with Taylor!. (He's hot anyway, though!.)

So anyway, knowing something about someone does make them more attractive (or imagining something about them in some cases)!.

For example: Picture Taylor as Jacob keeping Bella warm in the tent and you'll know why he suddenly became so much more attractive in my eyes!. lmao

Hope that didn't confuse you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. Not in the least!.
I like guys for their personality, not who portrays them on screen - at least not in book-adapted movies!. Beyond that, I hate the casting director for Twilight!.
So no, not really!.
I liked Jacob long before that - mostly because he's the only realistic character in the book, with the possible exception of Angela!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't say I liked him more, I would just say I'm more attracted to him haha

I still think (plz dont kill me esp!. if you're team Jacob) that he is mean (did you READ what he put Bella through or was I the only one who noticed this!?) and that is just something I will never get over!. I do NOT like his personality!. At all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think Taylor Lautner is attractive or Jacoby at all!. Well, okay, he's good looking I suppose, but NOT for Jacob!. Have you seen him with that ridiculous wig!?

I switched over to Team Jacob because I like Jacob for his perfections AND faults!. Hint!. Hint!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha , that happened to me!.
at first , i didn't really like jacob!.
but then i started to appreciate him when i thoroughly read what he looked like!. the only reason that i was turned down by him was because he's younger than bella, more or less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha! That never happened to me!.
Taylor Lautner or no Taylor Lautner, I still hate Jacob Black!.
I see them as two different people!. Taylor is just portraying Jake, so I don't see them as the same person!.

But Taylor is hot!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I still like him the same !.
I do like Jacob then Edward!.

I think it's because most (not all) Jacob haters imagine Jacob ugly!.
That's why you see comment's like :Jacob is a dirty ugly dog ! or He's a flea bag >:( Ha ha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nno not really i dont really like jacob that much (no offence to jacob fans) i just dont like how he tricked bella in eclipse and the way he sometimes treats her!.!.so no i dont really care for jacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, but then I never really liked Jacob anyway!.

Strictly a vampire fan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nah!. I thought Jacob was awesome LONG before Taylor was cast!.


Oh, no!. I've always thought Jacob was cool even before I knew about Taylor Lautner!.!.!.

But Taylor's hot!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

well you know what, i did sort of like jacob a bit more now that now i saw who plays him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really!. But i guess it's because i like Edward so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


with the long hair that guy looks like a girl