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Question: Steven king books!. which one should i read first!?
I have never read a book by Steven King someone tell me that they are really really good books but I just don't know which one I should read first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Gunslinger
Eyes of the Dragon
Rose Madder

It's your choice, but I recommend these four!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm like, 14, and I really luv his books! I enjoy getting scared, and frightening things facinate me,
I read them depending on their "rate factor"

I read the least scariest once first, and I started to read more scarier and scarier books as time went on!. I'm still young, so reading a scary book straight on is not exactly a wise choice!. But you are probably older!.

My father told me that he read them in order!. He read the ones he found was the most fasinating!. He would read the summaries of some of his books and then he would read which ever one he thought was the best first!.

But that's what I and my father DID!. I would have read it in chronilogical order!.

(sorry for grammer mistakes! I'm to lazy to really think 0!.o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite book by Stephen King is "The Stand!." It's definitely lengthy, but I think it's his best and I've read them all!. It's a post-apocalyptical good vs!. evil tale, and it stands the test of time!.I read it when it came out and again two years ago!. To agree with another poster, not every SK book is completely even!. If you don't especially like one, try another!. He really grows on you!.
EDIT: He published previously under the name Richard (not Stephen) Bachman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked "Desperation!."
I also liked "The Shining!." Much better than the movie, although the movie was scary as all get out!.
"Christine" is good, too!. Read the book first!. See the movie later!.

Same thing for "Pet Sematary!." The book is MUCH better than the movie!.

Oh, and "Cujo" as well!. I guess I'm a King fan!. Not so much for the movies, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion the best one is The Bachman books its a bunch of his old books when he used the name stephen bachman the best ones out of them all is either the long walk or the running man they are great
those books are his first published books carie is his first book under stephen king i suggest everyone reads themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Carrie - his first published novel!.

I suggest you read his books chronologically if you can, his writing has changed a lot throughout the years and his older novels are much better than most of his current ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

then the shinning!.
i loveeee those books!.
after that try to read pet semetary!.
it is so SCARRY!.
but i love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Carrie and the Shining are good but my favorite is The Stand - awesome character driven story!. also I am currently working my way thought his Dark Tower series which is excellent so far! I am on book five of seven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend the Gunslinger/Dark Tower series and The Stand!. They all have the same villain!.

The Stand is probably the best novel I've ever read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Shining!. Scared the *&#*! out of me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The StandWww@QuestionHome@Com