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Position:Home>Books & Authors> TWILIGHT IDEAS -- !!!! for twilight fans or even just readers !!?

Question: TWILIGHT IDEAS -- !!!! for twilight fans or even just readers !!!?
i have done all of my room in twilight -- well whatever i could lol soo anyways , i still need to do one wall -- any ideas !?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
are you just putting up pics or are u painting!?

if your just doings pictures and stuff, you could get the pictures of your favorite characters and then under their picture put your favorite quote from them!.

if you are painting, then I would find some awesome letter stencils, and stencil some of your favorite quotes on the wall!.

hope that helps!. :] have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should maybe do a painting, you could even do something a bit collage like with lots of different materials in different shapes and maybe some pictures!. You could have lots of twilight quotes as a border and perhaps you could put up some pics from if your going to a breaking dawn party!.
You could also do some drawings, how you imagine things to be and other quotes, not necessarily out the book which you think would be appropriate!.
Dont focus just on bella ad edward either, you could do a jasper and alice wall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could have giant pictures of the book covers on your walls, and have everything painted red, black, and white!. It would be cool if you had red ribbon hanging over the wall-like the eclipse cover, and paint the flowers on the cover of new moon!. You could also make the wall look like a giant version of one of the books, You could have the picture the title and then the author on it exactly like the book!.

Or you could paint like the cover of breaking dawn with your favorite quote from the book over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should paint your favorite cover of the series so far!. E!.g!. from the first installment, you could paint the outstretched hands that are holding an apple, or the bloody feathers from new moon, or the ribbon from eclipse, or the chess pieces from breaking dawn!. Or you could paint all of them in an alternating pattern, like a checkerboard, only with 4 designs, not 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

paint your wall black with a red Ribon going a crossed it like the eclipse cover then you add a apple on one side of the Ribon and a ruffled tulip on the other!.
or paint a meadow and it it make a sparkling lion and a lam with red cheeks and put "So the lion fell in love with the lam "Www@QuestionHome@Com

i started doing little sketches in my sketchbook of scenes from the books!. it wasn't serious or anything but i really enjoyed doing it and every time i saw them it would make me smile as i thought of that point in the book!. try doing larger versions on your walls and then you will be smiling all the time!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

pictures of edward or jacob, forks, rain, twilight, the moon, sunWww@QuestionHome@Com

*well on august 2nd u can hang up the calendar!.!.!.and there will be more movie posters when it gets closer is opening to the filmWww@QuestionHome@Com

umm coul do the quote
"when u can live forever, what do u live for"

or any quote u personally likedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Put you favorite quote up!. Thats what I did!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com