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Question: Breaking Dawn Release Party at Borders!?
This is my first midnight release party, so I don't know what to expect!. What do I have to do!? I know you don't just show up, so do I have to make reservations or anything!? When I pre-order my book, do I have to pay on the spot!? What events are they having at Borders for the midnight release party!? Sorry I'm so clueless!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People have asked this question a thousand times!. cant you use the search bar!?
haha lol
Heres a taste of your own medicine!. jk
I dont think you have to make a reservation!. And you pay when you get the book!.
As for the activities, there will be a Team edward vs Team Jacob debate, and cotume parties, best bella and best Edward, and t0shirt contest!.
thats all I knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

they're having a 'Jacob or Edward' debate and doing Twilight quizzes!. Then, at midnught they will distribute Breaking Dawn, Twilight movie calendars will also be on sale!.

please answer my question

http://www!.bordersmedia!.com/meyer/events!.!.!. here this is from the borders website!. hope it helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why not just ask the store!? I'm sure they will be able to give you all of the answers to your questions! Good luck!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

imma be at the beach
i wanna go!Www@QuestionHome@Com