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Question: Team Persiphone/Anti-Twilighters: what is your least favorite thing about Twilight!?
I think that the abusive, codependent relationship between Bella and Edward is probably what disgusts me most!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The sexism disgusts me!. Bella is a boring, clumsy girl and then she falls in love with a strong, beautiful guy!. He is smarter than her, stronger than her, and pretty much better than her in every way!. She gets into trouble ever few pages and he has to save her life!. Yet somehow, girls love this book, even though the heroine is absolutely nothing!. Edward thinks he knows how to make her decisions before her and sometimes uses his strength to implement them!. Their relationship is unhealthy and sets a bad example for young girls who should be learning that they are strong enough to survive on their own without a man, yet through this book are learning that living for one guy is a perfect way to live!. It just goes back to sexist damsel in distress stories, and frankly, it scares me that this book is so popular!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, the abusive and unhealthy relationship is mostly what gets to me!. It's a very twisted version of "love" if you ask me!.

I can deal with shallow characters and lame plot because I still enjoyed reading it!. But I can't seem to get over the psychologically unhealthy obsession within the book and the fact that Meyer touts it as being "romantic"

Since when does Persiphone have a team!? I've always been on my own team :pWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not a Twilighter, but not an Anti-Twilighter either, but there is something that keeps nagging me!.

It's the repetitiveness, the author has used lots of pages trying to prove or even present a point when it can be shown just as easily in three to five sentences!. The repetitiveness made me skip lots of pages just so I can get to the next part of the book!. That, and maybe the lack of other characters doing anything besides maybe Alice, is probably it!.

Guys, calm down, no need to get mouthy here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He wouldn't survive as a boy friend in my world! I have read the first book and its not that great!. I think Ms Meyer is laughing all the way to the bank from the money she will make from these people and good luck to her!. Unfortunately some of her so called fans are so abusive and threatening to people who genuinely do not like the book! If we all liked the same thing it would be a boring old world!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can think of other fandom couple that is actually mental and emotional abusive, this is not!. (Coming from someone who has been in that type of relationship!.)

Though I see your point, and I can see why people don't like Edward/Bella, even if I do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see how the relationship is abusive, but the co-dependancy is seen by most as a deep love!. As far as character traits go, I'm not fond of Jacob's stubborn ways, but I suppose that is what helps create conflict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not an Anti-Twilighter!. I actually like the books!. I'm not obsessed with them!. But, I like them!.

I actually wanted to ask you a question!.
What does Team Persiphone mean exactly!?
Is it another book!?
Is it in reference to the greek Persephone!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I personally hate how Bella is so dependent on Edward!. She is giving up EVERYTHING to be with him!. She jumped off a cliff to hear his voice, for crying out loud!.

Just for the record, I like Twilight!.


I hate that Bella is a flat lifeless character who no one would care about if it weren't for Edward!

(Twilight is so overrated!. I'm pretty much ready to kill myself due to all the shrieking fangirls)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are so many things I don't like about Twilight that it is difficult to decide what I like the least!.

I will try!.

I don't like the fact that there is no logic and no explanation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't "hate" the series - but i think it's overly romantic and soap-opera-ish

and yes, i've read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love twilight but somewhat hate the fandom and understand your frustration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella should have been called "Boring!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not an Anti-Twilighter, and neither am I a Twilighter, but I still think I should voice what I think is wrong with the series!.

Bella seems to have no ambition in life whatsoever besides being with Edward!. She has no hopes, no dreams!. Without dreams we are nothing!. They help define us as a person or a character!. We can understand a person more by looking at their dreams!. Since the books are told through Bella's first person point of view, we should be able to see at least a glimmer of her dreams!. We don't even see that!. Every teenager has at least one dream, whether it is to be a rockstar or a bestselling author or whatever!. Bella doesn't even seem to care!.

She is thus not a believable character, which ruins the entire story for me!. I don't hate it, but I have a hard time getting into it because of that!. I don't normally read romance stories anyway, so it severely detracts from me wanting to do so anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with that girl up there, I also love twilight but i hate how some of the fans act on here, its just a book!. I think it was better when the books weren't really that popular and seeing some of the questions from twilight fans on here make me wanna burn my twilight books!. I mean I started reading the books 2years ago but I'm still afraid i might become crazy obsessed !.

If i had to say my least favorite thing about twilight, it would be bella!. Shes annoying, whiny, cant think for herself and is way too dependent on Edward!. I dont even believe shes in love with Edward, its just an unhealthy obsession and i agree with you when you say anyone who compares their relationship to a drug has a problem!.

EDIT--- lmaooo you see that person sad lil dolly up there, that is what i fear i may become!. If i ever have to start taking pills because of someone oppinion over twilight then i hope someone puts me out of my misery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What disgusts me most:
The way it hurts me most is how so many girls become suckers for it!. The way it influences them wrongly and gives them wrong ideas about things!. I used to know what I thought was a really cool guy, I thought he was OK, until he started messing up my friend's head and trying to cheat on her!. He was oh so great on the outside, and some people couldn't see past his charm, but he wasn't like that at all!. I don't know what I can say to snap girls out of their obsession!. It's ok if you like them for light reading when you're really bored, but such obessesion is not healthy and makes me sad, mad, and despairing!.

I would say I'm neither but I'm mostly Anti-Twilight, Anti-Hype and Anti-Rabid Fans!. I understand your concern!. However, I'm also not on Team Persiphone!. Like Azriel said I'm on my own team and just because Persiphone went on a rampage to get all of the Twilighters out of here and she was the most fervent in the battle, it doesn't mean she's the ultimate Twilight-Hater!.

What bothers me!? I laugh!. What doesn't bother me!? The weak, idiotic heroine who can't avoid tripping over air, the cold, boring, perfect, angsty vampire who looks like a "god", the stubborn, stupid, hormonal, furry werewolf who can also top Bella's idiocy at times, the no-plot plot, the twenty pages of stupid action or was it the constant descriptions of Edward's perfectness!?

While those things bother me none bother me more than the main character herself!. That's it!! The main character!. That's the easiest, shortest way to sum it up!. Ugh, I so hate Bella like I've never hated a fictional character before!. Her stupidity unnerves me!. I can't believe someone actually can relate to her or looks up to her!. THERE'S NOTHING TO LOOK UP TO!!! There just isn't!.

1!. She talks about how she has no friends, was an outcast then she treats her befrienders with disdain as soon as she sees the "Greek god" named Edward!.

2!. She's clumsy and it's made to be endearing!? I'm sorry!. When someone falls I'll either help them up or laugh but not find it ENDEARING!. And I especially won't find it endearing if they're doing it every three minutes!.

3!. We're TOLD she's smart!. We don't see it though!. This woman is in AP Biology--or whatever--but she has a hard time getting into college!?

4!. She worships Edward!. Alright!. Fine!. She worships him but she also has the gall to go chasing after Jacob, egging his affection on while acting completely clueless to his emotions even though he told her--quite a few too many times, might I add--that he wanted to be more than friends with her!.

5!. Then in Eclipse, after being sexually harassed, she cries over him!. Hm!.!.!.if that doesn't show the problems with this book than I'm sorry, nothing else will!.

6!. She doesn't have a job, any hobbies, a life outside of Edward or anything past Edward honestly!. And we're supposed to relate to her!? How!? If you don't have a life, you at least have a dream, a hobby, SOMETHING!.

7!. We're told she has low-self-esteem but she seems to think better of herself!. She comes off as condescending with this holier-than-thou attitude whenever she's around other humans!. When she's with Edward, "Oh Edward, I can't ever surmount to your greatness!. You will always be better than I!. Woe is me!. Oh woe is me!." She also complains about her life but chooses to do nothing about it!.

8!. She's a "danger magnet"!. Okay!.!.!.you don't know how many times I've heard, "She can't help being a "danger magnet"!. Oh, you mean the way she can't help but trip over air!? The way she can't help but treat everyone around her with utter disdain!? You can help being a danger magnet!. It's called BEING CAREFUL!! It's called not looking for trouble!. It's called GETTING A LIFE!!!

9!. What about her wanting to become a vampire!? She doesn't even think about the decision and when Rosalie is telling her about how much she'll lose we can clearly see the glassed-over eyes, the drool bobbing on her bottom lip and her tilted head, wondering when the hell she's going to get out of there!. She's supposed to be selfless!? She's supposed to care about her family and friends!? What!? She wants to be a vampire, leave them all behind to live an immortal, cold, blood-thirsty life and she is what is considered selfless!? How is that selfless!? So is she paying her dad's debt by doing the housework for him and paying her mother's debt by letting her run around with Phil!? Is that so later on, when she tells them she actually won't be seeing them, she can simply say: Well I did the dishes!. And I moved to Forks!. You have no reason to complain!.

10!. She's shallow!. She doesn't WANT all of those material things but shallow isn't by being materialistic only!. No!. Just like having low-self-esteem isn't by shunning the rest of humanity only!. She's shallow in her own, special way!.

So, the ten reasons and notice they only have to do with Bella!. My biggest problem is the main character!. That's it!. Get rid of Bella and the world will be at peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really think the relationship between Edward and Bella is really abusive or codependent!. I think that Edward really loves her and if you know anything about the 4th book coming out I'm sure you'll see that!. However I don't like the way Jacob treats Bella!. For instance in the 3rd book he forces a kiss on Bella and when she goes to defend herself by slapping him he laughs at her!. And when she needs him as a heater in the tent he feels the need to quickly brag about it to Edward!. Even though it was nothing like that!. Jacob is the one that bothers me!. I think Edward and Bella are a fine couple!.!.!. for the most part!. Given they have their problems too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh!. You!. I am so mad right now at this question!. I had to go outside and get some fresh air before answering, I was shaking in anger so bad!. I am still quite furious!. I think I am going to have to take some extra medication because of you!. I hope you know I have placed your name on our Twilight Army's To Be "Dealt" With List!. That goes for everyone else answering this question too!

To answer your question, the least favorite thing about Twilight is how short it is!. I wish there were 500 more books in the series with each book being around 900 pages!. I cannot answer anymore!. I am still shaking in anger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see in no way how their relationship is abusive!. How does it disgust you!? They are in love!. Apparently you don't know how that is!.


sry but if you think it's DISGUSTING then i just can't understand u