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Question: Thorn Birds!?
So I just finished this book and it was amazing! I think this might be my favorite romance novel i've ever read!. After finishing the books, I immediately went to the library to watch the mini-series!. Richard Chamberlain wasn't exactly how I pictured Ralph, but I thought it stayed pretty true to the book!. What did you guys think of "The Thorn Birds"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I thought the book was one of the best romance novels too !!! I was a little disappointed with the mini series, but it was still worth watching!.

Another book I REALLY enjoyed was "Once an Eagle" Couldn't put it down!. Read all 950 something pages in one continuous marathon!.!.!.lol

Thanks for reminding me of how good "The Thorn Birds" was to read!.


I agree with you 100%!. That book was by far the best I ever read, and the series was wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com