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Question: Is Breaking Dawn another Jacob/Edward battle book!? Opinion!!?
Is Breaking Dawn like Eclipse where Jacob turns up and they continue to fight over Bella!? I do think it will be a small part but not as major as Eclipse (Like Eclipse was the WHOLE book)
Like I think that will still circulate for a bit but overall it won't matter!. She chose Edward!. As much as I love Jacob and want them to be together, she chose Edward the instant they got ingaged!.
What else will happen!?
What do you think of this quote of the day
Sam: "This is not something our treaty anticipated!. This is a danger to every human in the area!."
^^ obviously about Bella being transformed!. Maybe her gift is to like see what Jacob is doing or something cause I doubt Sam would say that in front of the Cullens!.
6 more days, can't wait
team JacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think it's about Bella being transformed!. The treaty DID anticipate someone being changed into a vampire; that was the entire POINT of the treaty!. It's why they made the treaty in the first place!. So I don't think it's about Bella getting changed!.

I too want Bella to end up with Jake, but I know it won't happen!. She chose Edward!.

I don't think there will be another battle!. Jake gave up in the end of Eclipse!. He told Bella he'd "be good" and "stop cutting her in half"!. Jacob ALWAYS keeps his word; if he said he'd given up, he's given up!. If there are any battles, it will be because of Bella, not because of Edward and Jacob!. Jacob isn't going to fight for her; Edward will let her do what will make her happy!. If Bella goes with Jake, it will be because she decided to, not because Jake was pursuing her!. Any battles that take place are going to happen because of Bella's wishes!.

I think she's made her choice!. She picked Edward, and that's that!. Going back now is only going to hurt people around her, confuse people since the wedding invitations are out, etc!. Not to mention, she doesn't deserve to be with Jake now!. She doesn't even deserve to be on the same continent as him after all she put him through!. She had her chance; she blew it!. He deserves someone who is going to love him wholeheartedly!. He shouldn't have to be Paris forever!. She SHOULD have picked Jacob; he was by far the more logical choice!. But now that she's picked Edward and sealed her fate, she needs to stick to the choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I don't think so, each book has a completley different plot,
Twilight was about them falling in love for the first time,
New Moon, was how Jacob won her over,
and Eclipse, was about who Bella would chose, which was Edward, I think Breaking Dawn, is going to answer all the rest of the questions, and missing pieces of the puzzle, plus other drama!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it will be a little bit about that and she might rethink the wedding decison!.!.!.i just cant see them getting married yet! Its weird! However i think Jacob and Bella are better of as friends, even though they obviously love eachother(as explained in eclipse) they're love is no where as passionate as her and Edwards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Edward's going to snap in front of Bella and Bella's finally going to come out of lala land and realize that if she can't stand the sight of blood or the Cullens' vamping out then she's obviously not cut out to be a vampire!.

I think Sam's quote refers to the Voltari (sp!?) visiting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so, because Bella's already made her decision!. And I hate her for it!.

But I agree that she SHOULD and MUST change her mind and go with Jacob!. He's the healthier choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I highly doubt it because they already had one of those and Jacob left and he probably doesn't want to go through the pain of Bella becoming a "bloodsucker"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope it isn'tWww@QuestionHome@Com

i do not think that it is because i think that jacob will die very soon in the book!. poor billy, unless he dies tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

How would we know!?
The book isn't out until August 2nd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com