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Question: Children's book Gender Assignment!?
Do you know any children's books with a hidden message!?!!?
My teacher seems to think there are tons of children's books out there that show dominate race or gender and I can't think of one!. PLEASE HELP!! And it HAS to be about race or gender, perferably both!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you want to get really controversial, you could analyze "Little Black Sambo!." It's a late 19th c children's book written by a Scotswoman living in India!. Major racial controversy over it!.

Fairy tales are rife with hidden conflicts and messages!. Did you know that the original version of "Little Red Riding Hood" is a disturbing and violent story with undertones of incest and sexual abuse!?

The sociology of children's lit is NOT a study for the faint-hearted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tell your teacher thet if certain books didn't have racial/gender discrimination the some of the best books ever written would'nt have ever been written(to kill a mockingbird for instance-not a childrens book but it doesn't matter))!. this point, in my opinion makes the assignment pointless!. so when your teacher asks you what book you've picked just say "does it really matter!?"!.by the way i don't advise this unless you want a day or two off school(which is always fun)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretty much any children's book written more than 10 years ago!. Lots of fairy tales are about fear of outsiders and warnings about gender!. I mean, an obvious one would be Uncle Tom's Cabin (oh geesh, why did I have to go there!?) or the Narnia books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com