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Question: Twilight series or the clique series!?
Me and my friend are having an argument on which series is better!. I say twilight and she says the clique!.

What do you say!?

Thanks for your help! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've read ALL of the book in both series (9 clique books + the 4 summer collection books that are out (5th one is on the way) & all 3 twilight books (plus i pre-ordered Breaking Dawn which comes out in 5 days!) and I can tell you the Twilight series is the BEST series I have read!. Ever!. and that is saying a lot, considering I have over 250 books in my room alone (I LOVE READING)!.

The clique books are very middle-school childish, easy reads, while twilight is longer, better, aimed toward older young adult readers (like highschoolers although there is a fan group of moms too!), and, well, amazing!.
And, while Twilight is science fiction and, yes, has vampires in it (when someone told me I should read it, I said no because I thought it was goign to be unrealistic and cheesy!. I mean come on!.!.!. Vampires and Werewolves!? [but now im in love haha]), it is also romantic!. (and did I mention the best books ever!)

Seriously, choose twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope that this counts, because I didn't really finish the Clique books, but I did attempt to!.
I like Twilight MUCH more, because Twilight gets me lost in the pages, I feel like I actually am Bella, not like I'm just reading about what she has to say!.
The Clique books just bored me, a lot!. It could just be because I enjoy fantasy and vampires much more though, even before I read Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight series!. The clique series is so generic and completely underestimates what teens like and can read!. twilight is way different than the usual vampire books out there; it's like its own genre!. But everyone has there own opinion, this is just mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to say!.!.!.i have no idea!!!!!!! They are both good series!. (The Clique Series is a girls book btw!.) I've read both of the series, but not the books that didn't come out yet, of course!. I think that they both have theirs pros and cons!. I want to say Twilight though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

definitely the clique!. its fun to read and is all about middle school drama!. i would definitely reccomend it!. its one of my guilty pleasures!. twilight is a little more on the boring side and fantasy likeWww@QuestionHome@Com

the clique
i have read the the whole series of both the clique and twilight
and the clique is clearly better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG, i lovee both of them soo much, they are my faves! but if i had to pick, i'd pick the clique series! it has alot more drama and things that most girls can actually connect to!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i used to like the clique a lot when i was way younger!. but then as the books went on, they got reallly boring!.

so i started reading twilight and its waay better!.


Twilight!.!.!.!.because I haven't read the Clique series!.


sorry I didn't follow your rules about reading at least one chapter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have read all of the books in both series (that are out so far!.!.!.breaking dawn isnt) and I LOVE THEM BOTH!. but i have to say!.!.!.twilight series are better!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

personally, twilight!. its way more interesting and u just cant explain it but i'm reading clique while waiting for breaking dawn to come out :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight all the way!. the clique series is good but twilight is so much better!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait til breaking dawn comes out!!! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight series!. Hell, I never heard of Clique series!. Sorry for being so out of the loop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight!. I like the clique, but not as much as Twilight!. It's more mature than The Clique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Twilight!. I'm so obsessed, but I haven't read the other so I'm biased!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

*takes deep breath* TWILIGHTtwilighttwilight!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are both really good, but I have to put my vote for Twilight and the rest of the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never heard of clique so it must not be betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

i only read twilight so my vote goes to twilight!. but sweiously its an awesome seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

i say twilight 'Www@QuestionHome@Com