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Question: Twilight question for fans and all others!.!?
Okay, so I've noticed that alot of people on here don't like Stephanie Meyer's writing style!. I realized as I read the books that we have similar writing styles, so I need info on what is liked about her writings, what is hated and what could be improved!.!.!. descriptions, characters, word choice, emotions!.!.!. All of it so I could improve!. If you say she writes like a middle schooler, you should know that I am one, but I would like to improve!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's simple, it's childish, and it's repetitive!.

I don't want to feel like I'm back in middle school, practicing my reading comprehension and not being able to read books with "big" words - and that's exactly how I feel reading Twilight, more so because Meyer apparently thinks all of her readers have short-term memory and can't remember how "beautiful" Edward is (and, again, there are so many better ways to express how good-looking some fictional character is without having to use the same words in the same context)!.

My advice!? Start reading classic literature - the writing that has shaped and formed what literature (should be) is today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion i think her writing is amazing she captures your attention and gives you alot of details but leaves enough out so your imagination can work everyones opinion is going to be different some people dont like that perticular style of writting so it is a pointless question because everyone is different and there is always going to be someone out of the bunch who is going to hate it you can bet on it hope that helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like the type of stories she writes, the whole vampire, love thing!. I like her writing style, how she is in the mind of Bella in first person I think it is!. I like the dialouge!. Character description, I only pay little attention to but now I just picture the characters of the movie so!.!.!. I like the emotions she uses!. The characters are amazing! I love them!! I hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually happen to like Stephenie Meyer's writing style!. The one thing I get tired of is Bella going on and on about Edward's beauty!. After the first book, we get it already!. My advice to you would be not to bring up things that have already been made obvious to the reader!. Good luck in your writing endeavors!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I think her writing is amazing!. To be it's captivating and it just pulls you in and you can't get enough and that's what makes a good book!. If it doesn't grab your attention then you won't enjoy reading it!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only thing Meyer has going for her is her story line!. I'm a Twilight fan, but I don't like it for the impressive literature!. You need to read some classics, then you'll see what great literature is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think she is a phenomenon writer!. I would love to write like her!. the way she rights takes me places!. she makes me feel like I'm in the book with the charactersWww@QuestionHome@Com

no way! she is an awesome writer! I *HEART* EDWARD!Www@QuestionHome@Com

compare hers to JK rowling and you will see why
