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Question: Vampire Beach!? Are they any good!?
Has anyone here read the series Vampire Beach!? Are they worth my precious time!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmmm!.!.!. Well I personally only read the first one,Bloodlust, and it was okay, I like vampire stories!. If you've read any of my other reviews, you might already know that!. Because of my prejudice, I dove into the first in the series of VAMPIRE BEACH books with high expectations!. And I did enjoy it!. Yes, it has some problems in execution, but more about that later!. First the good stuff!.

As BLOODLUST begins, high school senior, Jason Freeman, has just moved into an exclusive Malibu subdivision with his sister and their nouveau rich parents!. He experiences the typical teenage angst: the girl he likes is taken, he can't have a good time at parties because he's always watching out for his younger sister, one of his new friends isn't exactly riding the top rung of the social ladder, etc!. The usual stuff!. But something seems a little odd in Malibu!. Then a girl turns up dead, and Jason discovers that the popular crowd at his high school is made up of vampires!.

I found VAMPIRE BEACH: BLOODLUST to be an enjoyable, light read!. No deep human truths will be revealed, but there is plenty of good, old-fashioned, escapist fantasy!. This slender volume is the perfect companion for your next plane trip!. It should keep you entertained all the way from check-in to baggage claim!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have not had a chance to read the series myself!.
But my friend is addicted to them!.
So I don't know they are supposed to be different from other vampire books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com