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Question: What Books should come first!?
Well for the rest of the summer I'm trying to read all these books on my bookshelf and I'm not sure which ones should come first and/or how to choose which one I want to read first!. Please help!

The Host - Stephanie Meyer
Remember me!? - Sophie Kinsella
Can you keep a secret - Emily Giffin
Peeps - Scott Westerfield
Pretty Little Devils - Nancy Holder
Seven habits of highly effected teens -Sean covey
Who Needs Boys - Stephie Davis
Bounce - Natasha Friend
Love, Meg - C!. Leigh Purtill
Cross My heart hope to spy - Ally Carter
Just Listen - Sarah Dessen
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter -Kim Edwards
Burned - Ellen Hopkins
Forever - JudWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay well here is my opinion on which ones should come first:

The Host- Stephanie Meyer
Peeps - Scott Westerfield
Seven habits of highly effected teens-Sean covey
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter-Kim Edwards
Can you keep a secret - Emily Giffin
Remember me!?- Sophie Kinsella
Bounce - Natasha Friend
Just Listen - Sarah Dessen
Pretty Little Devils- Nancy Holder
Burned - Ellen Hopkins
Forever - Jud
Who Needs Boys - Stephie Davis
Cross My heart hope to spy- Ally Carter
Love, Meg - C!. Leigh Purtill

well here is the order that I would read them in!!!


if you rather have the books go at random then you can:
1!.) Draw them out of a hat
2!.) Have a little sister or brother pick one
3!.) Check the availability that the library has for them (if you don't want to buy them)
4!.) longest to shortest (vice versa)
5!.) Buy them all (or set the available ones on a tabel at the librar) and then randomly pick that book to read!!

They all are great book!!!!!!!!! Have fun reading, good luck :)!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write them all on a slip of paper then put them in a bowl and draw them out in the order you would read them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just read them in any order you feel like and enjoy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just read them in the order of which books you think look most interestingWww@QuestionHome@Com