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Question: In Harry Potter 6!?
Slughorn sings the song Odo the Hero during Aragog's funeral!. The part you hear him sing goes "Oh, Odo the Hero
They bore him back home
to the place that he knew as a lad
They laid him to rest
With his hat inside out
and his wand snapped in two which was sad

You get ten points for making up the rest of the song!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
'O Odo!' they cried,
What evil is this
That would take you now from us so young!.
Still no one has heard
Of a man any braver
Than Odo the Hero of Dung!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh jeez, I couldn't even begin to try !. !. !. Beowolf's got me beat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com