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Position:Home>Books & Authors> One of those hideous books where the mother dies by sonya sones?

Question: One of those hideous books where the mother dies by sonya sones!?
what is your read as you go playlist to this book!? mine is:

-pictures of you by the cure
-tears and rain by james blunt
-be be your love by rachael yamagata
-sleep by azure ray
-bittersweet symphony by the verve
-hanging on the telephone by blondie
-baby your a rich man by the beatles
-i want you to know by chantal kreviazuk
-all i want is you by barry louis polisar
-dearest by buddy holly


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i dont really have a song for it but maybe glamorous by fergie since she is rich now!. idk but i really liked the book!. not the best story but a good read nevertheless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read that but I'm going to buy it when I go to the book store this week!.Www@QuestionHome@Com