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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Twilight series: What is the significance of the red ribbon on the cover of Ecli

Question: Twilight series: What is the significance of the red ribbon on the cover of Eclipse!?
I know where the rose and the apples came in in the other two books, but I don't remember anything about a red ribbon in eclipse!. Anyone know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The book jacket features a torn red ribbon!. Although it was supposed to be disclosed to the public in May 2007 at the Eclipse Prom, Barnes & Noble and Stephenie Meyer's official website premiered the newly released cover in March 2007, along with a preview summary of the book's plot!. The broken ribbon represents choice, as in the book Bella must choose between her love for Edward Cullen, her vampire boyfriend, and her friendship/love with Jacob Black!. Meyer also stated that the ribbon represents the idea that Bella can't break away completely from her human life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the ribbon symbolizes the fact that Bella can't compleatly break away from being human!. also, that she can't really choose whole heartedly between Edward and Jacob!. Even though she loves Edward more, she really loves Jake and doesn't want to hurt him!. I think it is on her website Stepheniemeyer!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Seeker is right!. Dude, half the questions on this page are about Twilight!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it means how Bella is torn between Jacob and EdwardWww@QuestionHome@Com