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Question: Book Writing Help!.!?
I'm getting closer to writing my book!. Is there a computer program that will allow me to type,hit a button and put it in a page by page,chapter by chapter format!. Built in spell check is a must!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All the authors I know, use MS Word!. Most publishing houses are geared up to it as well, so you'd be better going down that route!. Odd-ball set-ups are sometimes rejected out of hand!.

See my blog for submission guidelines http://ajbarnett-story!.blogspot!.com/2008!.!.!. You can then create your own TEMPLATE to the format that suits you BEST (including headers and footers which are essential)

That way you'll almost achieve the 'push-button' method you're on about!. YOU make your own "program" with the tools they provide!. Believe me, it's easy!.

Anthony James Barnett - novelistWww@QuestionHome@Com

You know, you can use something as simple as notepad if you want!. Just label each chapter!. Or you could use something like openoffice!.org (that's actually the name of the program) which will let you see the pages and such but you still have to label the chapters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

MS Word!.
