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Question: Water tower book!?
you know that book called the water tower that is really weird and there is a 2nd one is that by garry crew because i hate them books without endings like if they don't have a secale with an ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved The Watertower! Yes, it was disappointing that Gary Crew didn't properly finish off the end of the story in the sequel (Beneath The Surface), but it kept you speculating about what really happened and it left you urging to sift through the book again and again looking for those suttle little clues (such as the watertower symbols in the people's eyes!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes the picture book The Watertower!. There is a sequel you know!. Notice in each of the pictures or pages, there is a watertower mark, quite unique i suppose, but the sequel is as much as confusing!. But try looking instead of thinking you'll see more thenWww@QuestionHome@Com