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Position:Home>Books & Authors> If Breaking Dawn is based off of Midsummer Night's Dream...?

Question: If Breaking Dawn is based off of Midsummer Night's Dream!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.Could Edward be Demtrius, Bella be Hermia, Lysander be Jacob and Tanya be Helena!?
That'd be really bad!.
Is anybody else nervous about the 'loose connection' between Breaking Dawn and A Midsummer Night's Dream!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first pot person is right!. Its most likely not going to be soo very similar to Misnightssummer dream!. Nothing to worry about!. I have a feeling Jake is going to imprint on Tanya!. That would be horribleWww@QuestionHome@Com

It had better not be Tanya, otherwise I'll scream!. If Jacob ends up with a vampire, I will hunt down Stephenie Meyer!. Jacob CANNOT end up with a vampire!. He wants to be human; he needs a human life!. He WANTS a human life!.That was the entire POINT of Eclipse-- he is the human one who can give Bella everything, and Edward is the one who can give her forever!. Jake CAN'T be with a vampire!.

I'm not nervous for the loose connection between AMND and BD because she said Eclipse was "loosely based" off of Romeo and Juliet, and you know how much Eclipse was like R&J!. No one died, Edward didn't kill Jacob, Bella didn't kill herself, etc!. There were certain aspects of Eclipse that were similar to R&J, but not many!. So the same concept probably applies to AMND and BD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I figured it would have something to do with imprinting!. With the whole love thing being controlled and what not!. But yeah, kinda nervousWww@QuestionHome@Com

jacob better not ednd up with Tanya!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if jacob will be happy with tanya
then so will i! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com