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Question: Breaking dawn fans!!?
Ok, in breaking dawn, im guessing that the wedding still goes on!. How do you think it is going to happen!. Do you think that someone will run in and yell i object!? do you think something bad will happen!? do you think it will be perfect!? and where do you think that edward will take bella for their honeymoon!.!.!.and do you think that he will keep his half of the deal!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am not for sure on anything!. But I think the wedding will go fine, but Jacob is going to come in somewhere before or after and try to get her to change her mind!. I am HOPING that Bella and Jacob can stay friends even if she does become a vampire!. I am also really hoping she becomes a vampire! I also want bella to have an extra power when she becomes a vampire, I don't know what, but something, like edward's mind reading, alice's ability to see into the future, or jaspers's ability to change peoples moods!.

I do think though that Edward will keep his half of the deal!. I think if anyone was to freak out about it, it would be Bella!. Edward is mature enough to keep his word to Bella, and deep down I think he does want bella to be a vampire, no matter how much he denies it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think something will happen to delay the wedding!. It can't just be almost 800 pages of marriage sex then vampire its just to perfect!. Jacob is going to have to come back and their is going to be a big fight scene the biggest yet!. Something HUGE is going to happen!. Then I think at the end everything will end up great Edward and Bella married, and Bella has to be a vampire!. Jacob is going to imprint on someone mabye Tanya!. Oh I think Leah will have a big part in Breaking Dawn bc she was mentioned alot in the last chapter of eclipse!. Maybe she imprinted on Jacob!. but he imprints on Bella but Breaking Dawn can't be about Jacob!. Idk I cant wait!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing will happen at the wedding!.
Someone will die!.
Edward will keep his end of the deal but we wont get "details"
For the vampire part something will happen that Bella will hate the taste of blood!.
Honeymoon will be someplace expensive and Bella will complain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Jacob might run in and yell I object but I wish the wedding is perfect like in fairy tales!. I think Edward might take Bella out of the country somewhere for her honeymoon!. And I think Edward will definitely keep his half of te deal!. Can't wait for Breaking Dawn!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Think that the wedding would go on and nothing would happen that would disturb it!.!. Maybe Jacob Would come with a girl he imprinted on and Bella starts crying for some reason! I Dont think anything would happen to disturb the wedding!.!. Yes i think they would have sexWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the wedding will go good and stuff and then after the wedding and the honeymoon something bad will happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the wedding will probably still go on but i think either jacob the denali clan or the volturi will show up making the whole situashion really awkward i think that something might happen at the party after the weddingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i only read twilight and new moon
and im getting eclipse today
soo uhh i think jacob will object loll
you know him !
i think it will be a little less from perfect !. lol
he should take her to canadaa haha :)
idk :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think stephenie meyer expects us to think that some one will crash the wedding but no one does
and as a honeymoon maybe he willtake her to chicago(his birthplace)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Steph knows that we expect something to go wrong during the wedding so, I think she was smart enough to make the wedding go smoothly!.!.!.!.i would be surprised if nothing happened at the wedding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so, It won't be Jacob though, he said he was giving her up, so she wouldn't be torn!. I think maybe Tanya or Jane will!. Na, it can't be perfect!. Deffinetly Europe!. and yeahWww@QuestionHome@Com

hahahaha!I love that therey but I don't think that will happen, it would be something everyone exspects!.I think they'll get married with maybe a few problems but not like jacob stuff, if it were that he would already be trying!. I think Edward will take Bella to Rome or England or something like that!. Bella mentioned that she hasn't traveled very far, so Edward may take her somewhere like that!.I think Edward will go through with his part of the deal!. I think after Bella is a vampire she will go looking for Jacob and happens to start looking in Forks that's why sam says his qoute!.Then she finds Jacob but he's been going by his wolf senses too much and doesn't realize it's Bella so that's were the preface comes in!.If you think about it Edward wouldn't kill Bella he doesn't even want to change her!. But to kill her were she's gone for good he wouldn't do it!. And with Jacob running loss and going full werewolf he may get a little too much and just think of her as another vampire!.I would like to say my opinion on all the qoutes but I can only be on here for so long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com