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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What's the difference between 'GRAMMER' and 'GRAMMAR'?

Question: What's the difference between 'GRAMMER' and 'GRAMMAR'!?
A lot of people say 'grammer' but I just don't really take notice of it before because I thought the E was just a typographycal error!. Earlier today, I read a book, which has the word 'grammer' in it!. Now I don't know what to think

Please she some light on this!.



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no such word as "grammer" that I'm aware of!. People often misspell "grammar!."

I can only guess that it was misspelled even in the book, unless there are some obscure dictionaries that recognize and accept an alternate spelling!.

There is a word, "gramme," which is another spelling of "gram!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grammer is a misspelling of Grammar!. There are typographical and spelling errors in almost all books, so don't assume that just because you saw it in a book, grammer is a word!.!.!. it's not!. It's a mistake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grammar is the structure of language, the rules for the way words are formed and their place in a sentence!. also, there are 'Grammar Schools'!. No such word as grammer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

GrammEr is misspelled!. I hope it was a typo and not creeping insidiously into the language!.

Of course, there is an actor named Kelsey Grammer!. He played Frasier on TV!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grammer is spelt wrong, grammar isn't!. It's a common spelling mistake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com