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Position:Home>Books & Authors> TWILIGHTERS:: Did anyone notice on the Breaking Dawn cover...?

Question: TWILIGHTERS:: Did anyone notice on the Breaking Dawn cover!.!.!.!?
that the Pawn & Queen pieces are floating!?
I didn't either, i guess it slipped by everyone

Stephenie Meyer said in a interview, I think it was with EW, that the Pawn & the Queen are floating above the chess board just barely!.
I looked really close & i can see it now!. You can see the reflection of their bottoms in the board!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wo I didnt even notice that!. I wonder if it is rellavent to the story!.

It probably has some secret meaning!.

So many mysteries, oh well, 5 more days untill breaking dawn comes out!!!!! I hope it isnt sad and nobody dies :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know, for the first time I'm looking at the cover and I can't help but notice the board is marble- the coldest stone in the world!. If the queen/pawn really represents Bella, and she's floating above it, isn't that to represent a distance between her and Edward!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cool, i also read on this website, someone noticed that K in breaking is like extra long, and its pointing to the king! and it also devides up the word breaking making it brea KING! i have no idea if that means anything but i found it cool! =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is cool! But you dont need to put that on here you should put it on a twilight form!!! I love twilight but i hate everybody who keeps on asking question when this isnt a twilight form!

-Twilight <3 Nick Jonas
Days till breaking dawn:5Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg ya i nvr noticed that they were floating!!! wat do u think it means!?!?!?

answer mine!?

Whoa!. That's so cool! Thanks for telling us!

Uh-oh!. You think it has any relevance to the story!? Oh no, another thing to decipher! :)

I`m pretty dim with observing things!. HahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

are they really floating!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope i just looked at it now
Thanks for telling us O___X


And this means what!?Www@QuestionHome@Com