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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Will breaking dawn be selling the book when the party starts or at 12 midnight?

Question: Will breaking dawn be selling the book when the party starts or at 12 midnight!?
in other words lets say i went to my local book store and they said they are starting the release of breaking dawn at 10 will they be selling it at 10 or only at 12!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, if its like the Harry Potter one!.!.!.
Then earlier in the day you'll go to the store you're planning on attending the party at, and pick up a bracelet!. Depending on the color bracelet depends on where you get in line!.
And sales start at MIDNIGHT!. that way it is actually August 2!.
The party starts at 9:30-10!. But sales start at 12!.
But I'm not totally sure this one is going to be exactly like the Harry Potter one!.
Hope I could help!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com