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Question: How do I get rid of writer's block!?
I've had writer's block for a while, just one one particular story!. It's a fantasy story I'm writing!. I am about a third of the way through it!. Has anyone got any idea how I can get rid of writer's block!!?

Any help would be much appreciated (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Writer's Block is something like running out of imaginary petrol!.

You just need to work out what fuels your imagination and overdose on it!

- Read some books by other authors of the same genre!.
- Reread what you've written so far with a pen and paper handy to write down anything that pops into your head while reading it!.
- Try rewriting various scenes in your story!.
- Try writing a couple of scenes from a different viewpoint!.
- Visit a zoo!
- Eat weird food!.

But never stop trying to beat the Block into fragments and then use those fragments to build a great story!.


I always get that, its so anoying!.
I would usally suggest just taking a brake but you say that you've had it for a while!.
So try watching some movies or asking people about there fantacy story and ideas just flurish in your head!.
Even games and stuff help with fantacy storys!.
possably head down to your local book shop and read the plots of some books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay whatever you do do not leave the computer!!!!!!!!
maybe get something to eat or something but dont give up because then youll get sid tracked and not want to go back
maybe put on a song that you like or pick up another book and read a random chapter!.
i know it sounds weird but i promise yousomething will pop in youre mind to get started again
dont get side tracked!!!
bad thing to do!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This may take a while but, get away from that project and do something else to occupy your mind!. If you still want to write, then write something else, even if it's gibberish!. It may help loosen up your brain and get ideas popping to help with the story you want to write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well when u have a writers block u might want to throw down that note book or scoot away from that computer and do something that occupies your mind and sooner or later and idea will just pop in your mind!.

plz answer my questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like ur stuck on this thing, a writers block!? what the hell !? i need more info on itWww@QuestionHome@Com