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Question: Books similar to Gregory Maguire's books (Wicked)!?
I'm almost done with all of Gregory Maguire's books!. (Wicked, Mirror Mirror, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, etc!.) I was wondering if anyone knew of similar books!.

You know!? Fairy tale from a different perspective type books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I liked Wicked, although I really did prefer the musical!. Infact I liked the musical far too much for someone of my sex, age and education!. I’m just bitter that Son of a Witch didn’t tell me what the fish said to Lir and that I missed out on going to Shiz…

Try one of Neil Gaiman’s, I’ve only read his anthologies but they have the magic, grime and grit that you might like about Maguire!. In Smoke and Mirrors, a great collection of short stories he closes with a rewriting of Snow White which is terrifying!

However, my suggestion is Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke!. It’s about two magicians who bring magic back to England during the Napoleonic Wars!. Admittedly it is an English novel rather than an American one and lacks the direct ‘other world’ escape that Wicked has, but the alternative history that Clarke builds up is intriguing and almost believable, her style of prose and narrative voice is also stunning!. I’d entirely recommend it!. She has also written an anthology of her own short stories which read like fairy tales called The Ladies of Grade Adieu!.

You might also like to read Northern Lights (or The Golden Compass in the US) by Phillip Pullman!. It’s enchanting!. And there’s always Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit by JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis’s Narnia Chronicles as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm still looking to fill the void left by Maguire's books!. :(

I loved Wicked!. Anyone who loves the musical better than the books clearly does not know much about great literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com