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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm really eagre to read Twilight, but my library doesn't have it at the

Question: I'm really eagre to read Twilight, but my library doesn't have it at the moment!? What should i do!? Any ideas!?
After hearing so much about Twilight, I've decided that I wan't to read it, I put it on hold at my local library, but, there are 90 people ahead of me, each with 2 weeks, that makes a 45 month long wait!!!! thats almost four years!! Is there any other way of reading it!?

I don't wan't to buy it though, Its just that i've spent a lot of money on books lately, and besides, If it turns out that i don't like it I would regret buying it, I can be picky about books at times!.

Thanks, for Your help!! ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
go to your local bookstore and read it there!. and if that doesn't work, go to this site: www!.scribd!.com!. just search twilight, there's tons of them online :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Borrow it from a friend!.
get a cheap paperback copy!.
go to a different library!.
And idk
the best thing to do would probally be buy it!.
I promise you will like it some much you will want to read it over and over again!.
If you borrow it from the library you will never want to give it back, then you will just end up buying ti anyway!.
unless you really dont like it, but that unlikely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would reccomend buying it!. I read this book once and fell in love with it!. You will want to read it over and over again!. But if your not sure you will like it go to your local bookstore and read a couple of pages to see if you like the style of the book!

I hope you enjoy the book!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm, I think your only options are as follows:

~ Check a different library - sometimes several libraries in the same county will accept library cards from one-another!. I know I can use my local library card at the library in the next town over!.

~ Find it for cheap online - you can order Twilight in paperback from half!.com for $4 plus shipping or on ebay!.com for as low as $0!.99 plus shipping!.

~ Borrow from a friend!. If you have friends who are readers you're bound to know someone who owns it!. Ask around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well do any of your friends have it if so borrow it from them!! And if not than i would just buy i know you said you have said you have been spending alot but its only like $9 or go to amazon sometimes there only like !.95 cents!!

I hope i helped

-Twilight <3 Nick Jonas
Days till breaking dawn:6 (Almost 5)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to Wal-Mart and buy it, e!.t!.! Seriously! My daughter checked it out from our library, and she and I loved it so much, it made us sad to return it!. We bought our own copy as soon as we could! I'm a 38-year-old happily married mom, but even I fell in love with Edward Cullen!!! Believe me, you will not regret buying this book!. Can't wait for the movie in December!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes there are used bookstores where you can buy a book (Either from there or somewhere else) and then they will buy it back from you, so that you don't have to own it!.
Either that, or borrow the book from one of your friends that own it!.
Hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Borrow it from a friend!.
2!. Go to Barnes and Noble or Borders and read it in chunks!. Most Barnes and Noble and Borders stores make it quite comfortable for visitors to just sit and read!.
3!. Purchase a second hand copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha!. Well most librarys have like fourty copies of it and its a quick read so you'll probably get it a lot soomer than you think!.

Who have you heard about Twilight from!? Maybe they could lone you a copy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really know what else to tell you but to go to a bookstore and buy it!. :) It's usually really cheap in paperback; about $9!. That's what mine was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

check whether your area does Inter-Library Loans!. you can probably also get it used for pretty cheap on amazon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

barrow it from a friend, also, in most places there is a library in ever town, so try the next town over!.!.!.i hope u like it!.!.im obsessed with them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should totaly buy it its only like $8 in walmart and borders
its in paper back so it not really that exppensive
TWILIGHT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should probably buy it since it's not that expensive (if paperback)!. You could even borrow it from somebody if you want :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are selling it at Walmart and Target on sale! You will love it and there is no way you will ever regret buying it !.!.!.it is just amazing!.!.!.like words can't even describe how great this book/series is!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can always buy it and then return it later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Borrow if from a friend, but I would buy it!.
Great book, no way you'd regret it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe if a friend has it borrow it from them or find a different libraryWww@QuestionHome@Com

borrow from a friend or buy off the internetWww@QuestionHome@Com