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Question: How many Pretty Little Liars Novels are there going to be!?
I haven't bought Sara Shepards fourth "Pretty Little Liars" Novel because I want to know if it will be the last Novel or if there will be more!. (If its the last one I will just buy it hardcover but if not I'll wait for paperback) Does anyone know or know how I could find out!?

**Please No Spoilers for "Unbelievable"**Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are going to be eight books in the series!. It was supposed to be four, but then the publisher saw the popularity of the books and extended it to eight!. The next book in the series is going to be called Wicked and will be released at the end of this year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's going to be the last, however, I also heared a rumor that she was going to write one more, but I don't really think she will, since A and Alli's murderer were going to be revealed in Unbelievable (I still haven't read that one yet either)!.


I think there will be at least five!.
1!.) Pretty Little Liars
2!.) Flawless
3!.) Perfect
4!.) Unbelievable
5!.) Wicked (yet to be realesed)Www@QuestionHome@Com