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Question: A great and terrible beauty!. who should play which parts!?
opinions plz


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's my picks based almost only on looks!.!.!. I may have a few models in here, since I'm scrapping most acting ability for this!. I'm not including all characters, either - just ones that I could come up with an actor/model who fits the looks for!. =)

Gemma: Rachel Hurd-Wood!.!.!. I guess!. I really can't think of anyone else!.
Felicity: Teal Redmann
Ann: Jessica Ashworth (if she dyed her hair blonde-ish) - I'm still a little unsure on this one, though!.
Pippa: Sara Ruba
Miss Moore: Zooey Deschanel - A little young for the role, but I really just want her in any movie that I get to pick the cast for, haha!. I can't really remember what Ms!. Moore is supposed to look like, so I'm sorry if I'm way off the mark on this one!.
Mrs!. Doyle (Gemma's grandmother): Judi Dench - Just because I love Judi Dench, and after seeing her as Lady Catherine in 2005's Pride & Prejudice, I think she'd be perfect here!.

And I really, really wanted to think of someone to play Kartik, but I just can't think of anyone!. I might edit this later if I come up with something!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, on looks alone, I think of Kiara Knightley as Gemma!. Taylor Swift as Felicity, and Emma Roberts as Ann, and Pippa as the girl on the cover of the novel Ella Enchanted!. Not the movie, but the book!. Thats as close as I can come to their faces in my mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com