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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Any suggestions on good vampire or wolf love stories?I've already read the t

Question: Any suggestions on good vampire or wolf love stories!?I've already read the twilight series!.!.!.but i need more!.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
go there and start reading =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you haven't seen it yet get the movie LADY HAWK,it takes place back in the medieval times and is about to people that loved each other like you wouldn't believe!.Their was a priest that also loved her and since he couldn't have her he put a curse on them and it went like this!.By day he was a man and rode a huge black horse and she was a hawk that would fly and come to rest on his arm and by night he became a black wolf and she became a human!.The curse was always together but forever apart!.If you don't love this movie and cry you don't have a heart!.It has tons of action and tears but I won't even tell you anything about the ending you have to rent or buy this movie!.If the ratings went to 10 I would give it 15 and I purchased it as well!.If your daring enough to get it and watch it then drop me a message to let me know what you think of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Vampire Kisses!. Is about a girl named Raven!. She's 16, an outcast, and Gothic!. She's the only Gothic in her town, so you can bet she's kind of lonely!. That is until Alexander Sterling moves into the old mansion on the hill!.

Got Fangs!. Fran's Mom is a witch, and she's a freak!. Every time she touches some she sees images in her head about that person!. So she tries to wear gloves at all times!. While talking to her friend Imogen!. Imogen tells her that her brother, a Dark One (Vampire) is coming to visit!. And when he just arrives!. He runs Fran over with his Motorcycle!

Vampire Diaries: The Awakening, and The Struggle (all one book)!. Elane is one who gets everything she wants!. Every boy wants to date her, every girl wants to be her!. When Stefan moves to town!. Elane decides that she has to have him!. But he ignores her completely!. Can she make her love him!? Or will she soon find out that every boy doesn't seem to want to date her after all!?

Blood and ChocolateWww@QuestionHome@Com

Blood and Chocolate (the book only, do not watch the movie it totally killed the book!) is a good wolf one

If you like anime i suggest "Karin" or you can read it in manga form under the name "Chibi Vampire"!. I havn't finished the series yet out of laziness but its a good vampire love plot so farWww@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite vampire romance is "Undead and Unwed" by MaryJanice Davidson; it's fun, light, and really hot (it is explicit though)!.
also, they're technically not romances, but I really liked:
Charlaine Harris's Dead Until Dark, and the rest of the Southern Vampire series
Sunshine by Robin McKinley

A lot of people like Laurel K!. Hamilton's Anita Blake series, but they're a mixed bag!.
If you're still looking, the fine ladies at SMTB can help you out:

The Forever Knight novelizations are pretty hot too, but they're probably better if you've seen the show!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are ready for the awesomeness of Christopher Moore!? The first book to read is called "Bloodsucking Fiends", about a young woman who gets turned and has to deal with it and get a minion to help her out!. The second is called "You Suck" and it deals with the male counterpart of the first book!. Part love story, part comedy, and a little philosophy to boot!. Then, when you have read those, check out his other titles!. Sheer genius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are mutliple options of finding them:
1!. Check a site about vampire books, like the one someone else said on this page
2!. Google 'vampire books'
3!. Go to Amazon, enter 'Twilight', click on it, and then look at the "Other Books You May Like" bar near the middle of the page!.
4!. Check the Young Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror at your local Borders/Barnes & Noble!.
You're sure to find something using one of those!. Hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read

Peeps by Scott Westerfeld
The last Days by Scott Westerfeld
The Vampire diaries (although i have forgot the author)

All are Vampire stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try the laurel k hamilton seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go to whatshouldireadnext!.com
It's a really neat website!

Scott Westerfeld's Peeps series is pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Blue bloods by mellisa de la cruz is good!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com