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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How long did it take you to read THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING and LORD OF THE FLIES?

Question: How long did it take you to read THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING and LORD OF THE FLIES!?
I need to read The Once and Future King by T!.H!. White, and I was wondering how long it took you to read the whole novel!. I'm on page 132 and the entire novel included 677 pages!. I have till September 3rd to read this novel AND Lord of the Flies!.

So how long did it take you to read The Once and Future King and Lord of the Flies!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lord of the Flies is a pretty short book and easy to read, so it only took me a couple of hours!.

Once and a Future King is much longer and takes longer to read, but is one of my favorite books!. Definitely worth the read!. It probably took me a couple of weeks to read Once and a Future King, but it's not like I was just reading constantly!.

So if you aren't too slow of a reader and you actually try to read the books, you can get through them by September 3!. They are both very good books, so don't get lazy and just read sparknotes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lord of the Flies is the most horrendously bad book ever!. I had two weeks to read it, and I did it, though it was hard, because it's insanely boring!. Just make yourself read two chapters a day, and you'll be fine!.

I'm not sure about The Once and Future King!.
