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Question: What kind of person can write a bestselling novel!?
What does it take to write a bestseller!?
tips advice tricks anything to make one successful
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
About the only thing that makes a best selling author is !.!.!.!. a best-selling author!.

It's a strange fact that until a writer makes the best selling list, their work sells very little!. IF the work ever gets there, suddenly WHOOSH! all previous work becomes best-selling too !.!.!.!. even the stuff that no one wanted to read before!.

There's been some study in the area, and it seems no one can predict what projects someone to the list!. There is no special talent, no special type, no special genre, NOTHING to link one best seller to another EXCEPT previous best sellers!. The same is true in the musical, acting, fine art, and performing industries!.

Michael Allen, did a detailed analysis on it called The Survival of Rats, and he refers to the phenomena as 'The Black Swan Effect', see his thesis for FREE at http://www!.kingsfieldpublications!.co!.uk/!.!.!. it makes interesting reading!.

I've read quite a lot about it, (being an interested party) - and wish I could claim to speak from experience - I'm afraid I'm still a jobbing writer waiting for that magical moment to happen !.!.!.!. happy to be published, happy to be read, sad not to be rich!

Anthony James Barnett - novelistWww@QuestionHome@Com

Most people think they can write a book!. Very, very few actually do it!.

Of the ones that do, 90% are unpublishable!.

Of the 10% who get published, an even smaller number find the kind of success that lands them on the bestseller list!.

So as to what kind of person!? An extremely talented person with a great deal of fortitude and fortune!. It also helps to write quickly, effectively and cleanly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone can write a bestseller!. All you need is:

A) a good plot - something that catches the reader and holds their attention throughout the book!.
B) believeable characters that give the reader someone to care about
C) a writing style that isn't choppy, ungrammatical, or the like!.
D) the gumption to sit down, write the book, send it out and get it published!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A well connected individual with close ties to NYC publishing houses that would dedicate its public relations/marketing machine to a book!. If nowhere near NYC, the Iowa Writing School is nationally reowned for producing best selling writers!. And there are plenty of writer colonies scattered throughout the country!. One could make some solid connections there!. Some of the best writer colonies are in Hamptons, Long Island, NY, Vermont and Colorado!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They say there is a good boook in everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

stephen kingWww@QuestionHome@Com