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Question: I need help with this book im writing!.!?
I need help with a title!.
Okay, this is my plot: There this girl, Elizabeth, her father died and she has to live with her mom and sister; shes in the 10th grade!. She felt alone until she met Mike and Miranda (her best friends)!. One morning when she was on the beach (her favorite place to be since her father died) she met Jaycob, he is a super hot 11th grade quarterback and he apperintly has been watching her for a while and has fallen in love with her (i dont really have a backgrounds story for him yet!.) Alright so time has passed they are madly in love!. Elizabeth's life gets threatend by these monster and later they find out that they are vampires!. Elizabeth turns into a vampire and Jaycobs rejects her!. It turns out that she is some vampire queen or something and her mom is an evil person trying to turn Elizabeth evil so she can have some say in destroying the world (haven thought that far) Jaycob eventually comes around, but is it to late!? can u help me!? dose it sound good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't read any of the twilight series so I can't say it sounds like it!. With that said the basic premise sounds fine to me, but if it does somehow mirror another book I would sit back and rethink the way the story is told!. Come up with a unique way to tell the story, or change the particulars!. try to remove some of the cliche you have in your idea!. Do they have to meet at the beach!? change it to somewhere unusual or unlikely!. Does he have to be the super hot star quarterback!? make it someone who appears at first glance to be uninteresting or creepy instead!. and if there's going to be vampires in the mix, come up with some unique twist on the whole vampire lore thing!. I do feel like you have a good idea, and are heading in the right direction, so get to writing and good luck to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounded so cliche that I stopped at "Elizabeth turns into a vampire"!. But if you really like the idea, go ahead and write it!. But just spell Jacob like Jacob, not Jaycob!. Ugh!.

And I disagree with Tori - The OP can use those names if she wants to!. Stephenie Meyer doesn't own those names at all!. Those names aren't "from Twilight" because SMeyer wasn't the first to use those names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES! This is a great book idea!
Q: What's the story on the father!? Is he really dead!?
Can he help her from beyond somehow!?
She's a vampire queen, eh !. !. !.
I wonder if she has power(s) her mom doesn't!.
Man, you're good!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It doesn't sound good!. It sounds like every other overused vampire story idea and I wouldn't read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't help you about doing anything with it, because i suck at writing stories myself!.
but it sounds really good to me !.
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think maybe you should think up an original plot instead of taking ideas and names from Stephenie Meyer!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds good, but don't spell Jacob with a y!.!.!. it makes you look pretentious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, I wouldn't use 'Jaycob!.' Obviously misspelled names don't look good!.
It sounds a lot like a fan fiction of Twilight with the plot twist being that Elizabeth/Bella is a queen of the Vampires!. The beach, Ja(y)cob falling love with her, meeting Ja(y)cob on the beach, being threatened by vampires (Victoria, Laurent, James), once she's a vampire, Ja(y)cob can't love her because he rejects her/he's a werewolf!. Things like that!.
It also sounds a lot like Vampire Academy!.
I'd stay away from vampires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jaycob met Miranda and Mike then told the whole story about Elizabeth that his in love with!.They were in trio to save Elizabeth from her evil Mom!.The trio make a gadget that would help Elizabeth turn back to normal!.At least they need to find where is her secret vampire place is!.!.!.They defeat Elizabeth's evil mom!.!.!.And accidentally killed Elizabeth!.!.!.!.!.!.Give your own ending!. Need help reply me back!:)I'm willing to help with your essay!Maybe Elizabeth dad and mom had some kind of troop of vampires b4 but not willing to tell elizabeth!.TITLE:The girl who needs him!.5 stars to you!for your best story!Www@QuestionHome@Com