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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where did Persiphone_Hellecat go?

Question: Where did Persiphone_Hellecat go!?
I clicked on her name and noticed that her account got suspended!? Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Someone probably reported her!. Its called Karma!. She started off as being strongly opinionated to being downright mean and snobby!. I think its funny that she always insulted Twilight about "werewolf imprint on a 2 year old!.!.!.!.sounds like pedophilia to me!.!.!.!." Yet she wrote something that was too pornographic! And involving kids,!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Twilight Twinkies can't handle getting burned and go to pieces if anyone says anything bad about precious Eddiepoo or the series in general!. She had no issues voicing her opinion of the Twilight series, and some of the oversensitive people reported her for it!.

It's a shame that she's suspended; she was hilarious!. I loved reading her comments!. She just had a way of wording things!. None of the stupid little Twilighters even stood a chance against her when she was arguing her point!.

Stupid Twilighters!. They need to grow some balls and get over it-- not everyone likes Twilight!. I don't like the whole reporting concept, unless someone is really doing something bad (like stalking or being malicious)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of answers were good but many were cut and pasted from published sources!. She became a bit manic about Twilight and HP but continuously missed the point that they were written for young readers, and therefore the style was completely appropriate for the readership!.

She was banned from Absolute Write (a highly respected author chat site) because it was revealed that she supported a very unsavory type if p0rn about children - check it out for yourself if this seems unlikely to you!.

Her early claims of being an author and ghost writer were never substantiated, lending weight to the argument that her comments about Twilight and HP etc etc were sour grapes!.

So long Persi and thanks for the thousands of hours of your life you spent hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand why "Why So Serious!? Team Jacob!" answers ALL the questions asked related to the Twilight series, answers ALL the questions complaining about the Twilight questions and yet moans and groans about how annoying Twilight fans are!. And also has apparently read the books and has even picked a side (Team Jacob)!.

If you don't like Twilight, stop clicking on those questions!.

I'm sorry, I know this is unrelated to your question, so I apologize, but that person and their long winded rants are lame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It looks that Persiphone will be soon able to compete with Twilight series for attention, lol!. There were already a few posts about her!.

If she is suspended because of Twilight or Twilighters, I find it appalling!. I liked her answers and I found them really insightful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't know her account was suspended but I am very sad to hear it!. I am a great fan of hers and I'm hoping she comes back soon!. Why So Serious, you rock!. Thanks for the info!. Do you know when she's coming back!?

She got her account suspended because all of the stupid twilighters reported her!. =CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would call it karma!.!.!.!. thanks to P_H many others lost their accountsWww@QuestionHome@Com

thank god shes gone she was so meanWww@QuestionHome@Com