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Question: The book series Twilight questions!?!?!?
I have never read the books and really hadn't even heard about it until I started answering on yahoo answers!. Can someone give me a quick run down of them!.!.!.please no spoilers!. I am not a big fan of spooky scary books!.!.!.is this one of those!?
I loved Harry Potter and read and reread the books all the time!.
Thanks in advanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Twilight is first and foremost a teen romance novel!. It is not scary at all, so you needn't worry about that!. It's also nothing like Harry Potter; I think people compare the two because Twilight is so popular right now and they're both for younger-ish readers!.

In the first book, Bella Swan moves to Forks, Washington!. She meets beautiful vampire named Edward Cullen, and romance stuff ensues!. There's also something about a life-threatening situation, but that's sort of a spoiler!. lol!.

The second and third books depend heavily on the events of the first, so all I can really say is, uh, stuff happens and I think they're better than the first book!. ^^

People will tell you the books are poorly written!. And they're right!. But you can still read the series, and you can still like the series because different people like different things!. You could also hate the series despite how many people will tell you its the best thing they've ever read!. The only way to know for sure is to give it a try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the series is about how Bella ( mortal) and (immortal) Edward fall in love and how they go through different things together!. It's absolutely incredible!. you wont regret reading it!. It's romantic , thrilling, exiting ,sad, funny ,happy its amazing!. There are some parts in the book that are not scary or spooky but gory to a degree and slightly mysterious!. but if you like harry potter you'll probably like this too!. Happy readingWww@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of people compare them to Harry Potter, but the only feature that similar is the fantasy element!. If you dig fantasy you will like Twilight, most Harry Potter fans, *most* have read Twilight as well, as its aimed to the YA group as well!. And most of them were at least entertained!.
It's a really great love story between a human and a vampire, that is very, very easy to get lost in!. I highly recommend Twilight!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like harry potter then ur gonna luv this, its cute, funny, romantic and sweet but nothing too luvey until the end of the first book, its suspensful, dramatic but not scary, just the kind of thing that made you squeal if someone shouted BOO!! behind while you were readin (in one of the few fight or suspensful parts) there arent too many physical fights and some of them turn out funny (I think it was in the third book tho, Ill have to check, and it involves bella and jacob and a broken knuckle!.!.I wont say more but twilight fans prob know what im talkin about ;) its still cute though in a funny way!.!.all in all its a great book I really recommend but read them in order or you'll be seriously confused!.!. :)

hope i helped =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are like me, and skip to all the romance in Harry Potter and don't really give a toss about Voldemort, you'll love them!. They are very, VERY romantic, but also dark and full of suspence!.

Read them, you won't regret it!! Eclipse is the best!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

just read them
they're amazing o_O

but no, really!.!.!. =/Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a romantic!.!.awesome book!.!.
i cant really explain it but!.!.!.!.check out the authors site!.!.
(its to good to explain just read it!.!.!.i promise you will like it!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well if you could read hp you should be able to read the twilight series!. it's all about vampiresWww@QuestionHome@Com

its about the forbidden love between a human and a vampire!. they are pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com