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Question: Pern: Hatchling queen dragons!?
Where would they stay!? In the junior queen weyrs, with their own weyr, or in the weyrling barracks, with all the other colors!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Surely they'd stay in the weyr they were hatched in, but in private rooms rather than with the rest of the rabble!?

After all, they weren't trained in formation flying the way all the other colours were, so there'd be no point keeping them in barracks!.

I've read almost all of these at some time ("almost" because I'm not a fan of most of the later ones with Todd McCaffrey) and I can't remember reading about the daily lives of the baby queens!. It just seems to me that the queens wouldn't tolerate being lumped in with all the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As I recall for Pern (and I'm glad someone is reading that series), hatchling queen dragons stay with their own weyr!.
At the beginning of these books, there is only one weyr!.
As time is skipped forward, the importance of werys is known and there are five weyrs!. Queens, still, to my recollection, stay in the weyr they are hatched in!. Mating takes place beyond the weyrs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com