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Question: What do you think of my book idea!?
I think it is kind of good, but I am not sure!.!.!.Here is the summary!.
A young lady named Diana Washington is sad and depressed because she has never met her real father and her mother is never around!. She soon resorts to cutting herself to try to numb her pain!. Things begin to worsen when she realizes her best friend's anorexia and her mother begins to date a man named J!.D!. Michaels!. J!.D!. is a rude slob who is only cares about himself!. One night when Diana comes home late from a party, heartbroken from a fight she has had with her anorexic best friend Miranda (she confronted Miranda that night), J!.D!. is waiting for her by the door!. He rapes Diana and swears her to secrecy!. Diana then decides that she wants out and runs away from her home to Seattle where she believes that her father may be located!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds good, but far from different!. So far it sounds amazing, but I'm not hooked yet!. The first page is always what makes me decide if I want to waste my time on the rest of the book or not though, not the first paragraph!. Go for it!. write your heart out into this thing and while your there, bleeding your blood onto this page, seize the opportunity and write some more!. THAT is the only way you can make this story work, since it is a used idea!. THAT is how you catch the attention!. THAT is the only way that you will be happy when your done and not edit till your blue in the face!. and yes, your good!.!.!. amazingly so!. keep at it!. I look forward to a question about titles in the near future, and hm!.!.!. maybe a release party where I can be the first to buy the book!?!?!?!? wishful thinking!. finish it though, before the raw ideas go dry, it sucks to have a story you can't go anywhere with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the main idea has been done many times before, but if you made it original and added twists, then it would probably be something I would read!. I also like how you started it, because it's to the point and the sentences don't go on forever describing things!. It bothers me when people do that!.
I hope to see the finished product some day :)
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usally wouldn't like a book like that, but hearing the whole plot and part of the story, i want to read more !. that sounds like a great story!. i'll be expecting that on the shelf!. Hope it works out!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like a great idea!. You should definately continue developing it, it could turn into an awesome story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It good but most people like to read storys somewhat less depressing!. Well at least i do!.!.!. But don't let me discourage you, im sure that plenty of people would like to read this!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it all makes sense!. all stories are good but all that matter is how the writer presents it!. good luck on writing it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it sounds like it could be good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good, but edit it out after a few answers b/c someone could plagerize!. Best wishes!. Hope to see it on shelves someday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com