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Position:Home>Books & Authors> 10 points to who ever can come up with the best names for my romance novel?

Question: 10 points to who ever can come up with the best names for my romance novel!?
okay so im writing this romance novel and I need some help on names for the two characters that fall in love!. I want them to be different, unique, and kind of so they like sound good together!. you can give me a list of ideas if you want but please give me some ideas here!. thanks! Any questions email me!.

ps!. 10 points for the person whos names i choose to use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lyn and Demetri!. I think those are romantic!.
Hope I was of help :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

What are your characters like!?
What's your setting!? Historical, contemporary or futuristic!?
What's their family background!?
Any particular ethnicity or cultural history!?

They need to be names that resonate with you!. Most of my characters show up in my head with their names already in place -- or at least some hint about their names!.

The last thing I published featured Ronan and Meriel!. She's a selkie -- a seal shapeshifter -- and her name means "sea bright!." Ronan's family is Irish, so his name is, too!.

There's more to choosing a character's name than taking a random poll!. Put some thought and research into it!. And hit those baby naming sites for inspiration!. I bought a baby name book at a garage sale and use it for inspiration in naming characters, especially my secondaries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how bout!.!.!.
Hannah and Edward!?
Emma and Jacob!?
Chelsea and Max!?
Andrea and David!?
Natalie and Nathan!?

Hope you like those names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lilia and sabastian * not sure how you spell it

lorena and cole

alyssa and carlos

polly and hank

mayra and gavin

lilian and Gareth

mirian and giles

stefano and lilia

marilyn cole and jeremy knight
thats all i could think of ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com


Jarvis and Mia

Chris and Jenna

Angel and Derek

Will and Lisa

Andrew and Jasmine

Delilah and Damon

Xavier and Ashley

Alex and Alexis

Brandon and Cassie

Milani and Desmond

Akil and Edahlia

i hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

maybe lucy hartling for a girl!?i think its delicate and pretty!. for a guy, justice or justin dearmont!.!.!.!.!.(i love the name justice)

lucy & justice sounds cute, does it not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amanda and Theodore
I looked up what they mean,
According to the site Amanda basically means Love and Theodore means Divine Gift!.
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Olympia D'aragona (or Obregon)
Blaise BlackburnWww@QuestionHome@Com

how about adrianna baxter and sebastian coles!. i like the way they sound together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eric and Leah OR Ashley and Rubin :]Www@QuestionHome@Com